


Feature #3512 ยป 0001-Add-dbo-session-loadLazy-method-to-public-API.patch

Bruce Toll, 08/03/2014 04:00 AM

View differences:

* Throws an ObjectNotFoundException when the object was not found.
* \sa ptr::id()
* \sa ptr::id(), loadLazy()
template <class C> ptr<C> load(const typename dbo_traits<C>::IdType& id,
bool forceReread = false);
/*! \brief Lazy loads a persisted object.
* This method returns a database object with the given object id
* without directly accessing the database.
* If the object data is already available in the session, then it will
* be available upon return. Otherwise, the object data will be retrieved
* from the database on first access. Note: This will result in an
* ObjectNotFoundException if the object id is not valid.
* lazyLoad can be used to obtain a ptr<C> from a known id when a ptr<C>
* is required, but access to the C object is not anticipated. For
* instance, a ptr<C> may be required to add an object of class X that
* is in a belongsTo relationship with C.
* \sa ptr::id(), load()
template <class C> ptr<C> loadLazy(const typename dbo_traits<C>::IdType& id);
template <class C>
Query< ptr<C> > find(const std::string& condition = std::string()) {
template <class C> Mapping<C> *getMapping() const;
MappingInfo *getMapping(const char *tableName) const;
template <class C> ptr<C> loadLazy(const typename dbo_traits<C>::IdType& id);
template <class C> ptr<C> load(SqlStatement *statement, int& column);
template <class C>
* Add posts with identical content to all user blogs, using various methods.
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( dbo2_test2 )
Dbo2Fixture f;
dbo::Session& session = *f.session_;
typedef dbo::collection< dbo::ptr<User> > Users;
Post commonPost;
commonPost.contents = "Groupthink";
const size_t USER_COUNT = 2;
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
for (int i = 0; i < USER_COUNT; i++) {
User *user = new User();
std::ostringstream os;
os << "User" << i;
user->name = os.str();
user->password = "Secret";
user->role = User::Visitor;
user->karma = i;
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
commonPost.title = "Post 1";
std::cerr << "\nAdding '" << commonPost.title << "' to " << USER_COUNT
<< " user blogs iterating over user objects" << std::endl;
* Complete user objects are retrieved from DB, although only the id is
* needed. This could be costly with a more complex User record.
Users allUsers = session.find<User > ();
for (Users::const_iterator i = allUsers.begin();
i != allUsers.end(); ++i) {
dbo::ptr<User> user = *i;
commonPost.user = user;
dbo::ptr<Post> post = session.add(new Post(commonPost));
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
commonPost.title = "Post 2";
std::cerr << "\nAdding '" << commonPost.title << "' to " << USER_COUNT
<< " user blogs using dbo::ptr link from existing posts" << std::endl;
* If there is an existing dbo::ptr to a user, we can add new Posts
* without retrieving the associated user by copying the dbo::ptr.
* NOTE: This works because we have a single post, "Post 1", for each user.
Posts existingPosts = session.find<Post > ();
for (Posts::const_iterator i = existingPosts.begin();
i != existingPosts.end(); ++i) {
commonPost.user = (*i)->user;
dbo::ptr<Post> post = session.add(new Post(commonPost));
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
commonPost.title = "Post 3";
std::cerr << "\nAdding '" << commonPost.title << "' to " << USER_COUNT
<< " user blogs using insert through user objects" << std::endl;
* With insert(), the full User object is retrieved for each post,
* even though only the id is required. The User object is also
* updated (incremented version number).
Users allUsers = session.find<User > ();
for (Users::const_iterator i = allUsers.begin();
i != allUsers.end(); ++i) {
i->modify()->posts.insert(new Post(commonPost));
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
commonPost.title = "Post 4";
std::cerr << "\nAdding '" << commonPost.title << "' to " << USER_COUNT
<< " user blogs using load to retrieve user objects" << std::endl;
typedef dbo::dbo_traits<User>::IdType UserId;
typedef dbo::collection< UserId > UserIds;
* With load(), the full User object is retrieved for each post,
* even though only the id is required.
UserIds allUserIds = session.query<UserId > ("select u.\"id\" from \"user\" u");
for (UserIds::const_iterator i = allUserIds.begin();
i != allUserIds.end(); ++i) {
commonPost.user = session.load<User>(*i);
dbo::ptr<Post> post = session.add(new Post(commonPost));
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
commonPost.title = "Post 5";
std::cerr << "\nAdding '" << commonPost.title << "' to " << USER_COUNT
<< " user blogs using loadLazy to retrieve user objects" << std::endl;
typedef dbo::dbo_traits<User>::IdType UserId;
typedef dbo::collection< UserId > UserIds;
* With loadLazy(), there is no need to retrieve the full User object
* in order to obtain a dbo::ptr to the User for adding posts.
UserIds allUserIds = session.query<UserId > ("select u.\"id\" from \"user\" u");
for (UserIds::const_iterator i = allUserIds.begin();
i != allUserIds.end(); ++i) {
commonPost.user = session.loadLazy<User>(*i);
dbo::ptr<Post> post = session.add(new Post(commonPost));
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
std::cerr << std::endl;
* Each user should now have 5 posts
Users allUsers = session.find<User > ();
for (Users::const_iterator i = allUsers.begin();
i != allUsers.end(); ++i) {
dbo::ptr<User> user = *i;
BOOST_REQUIRE(user->posts.size() == 5);