


Bug #724 » CurveEdit.h

Christophe Delépine, 02/16/2011 02:12 PM

#ifndef CurveEdit_H
#define CurveEdit_H

// sdk
#include "../../SDK/TVNG.h"
#include "../../SDK/PlatformIndependent/SceneManagement/AnimationCurve.h"
#include <Wt/Chart/WCartesianChart>
#include <Wt/WPainter>
#include <Wt/WEvent>

namespace Wt
class WStandardItemModel;

* \brief A simple 2D curve editor

class CurveEdit : public Wt::Chart::WCartesianChart
CurveEdit(const std::string& label);

// returns the curve
const TVNG::FloatAnimationCurve& GetCurve() const { return curve_ ; }

// sets the curve
void SetCurve( const TVNG::FloatAnimationCurvePtr& curve ) ;

// provide an accessor for the signal
Wt::Signal<>& Changed() { return changed_; }

// @inherited
virtual void paint(Wt::WPainter& painter, const Wt::WRectF& rectangle) const;


Wt::WFont labelFont_;
Wt::Signal<> changed_;
std::string label_;
Wt::WStandardItemModel* model_;
int selectedRowIndex_;

double lastEmitTime_;
TVNG::FloatAnimationCurve curve_;

void UpdateCurve();
bool SamePoints(const TVNG::Vector2f& p1, const TVNG::Vector2f& p2);

// signals
void MouseWentDown(const Wt::WMouseEvent& e);
void MouseDragged(const Wt::WMouseEvent& e);
void DoubleClicked(const Wt::WMouseEvent& e);
void Clicked(const Wt::WMouseEvent& e);
void KeyWentUp(const Wt::WKeyEvent& e);
} ;

#endif // HEADER