


Feature #998 » mir_firebird.cpp

Łukasz Matuszewski, 09/23/2011 10:59 AM

#include <Wt/WApplication>
#include <Wt/WLogger>
#include "mir_firebird.h"

//#include "mir_exception.h"
#include "Wt/Dbo/Exception"

#include <Wt/Dbo/SqlConnection>
#include <Wt/Dbo/SqlStatement>

#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>

#include <unicode/fmtable.h>
#include <unicode/msgfmt.h>

#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/time_parsers.hpp>

#ifdef WIN32
#define snprintf _snprintf
#define strcasecmp _stricmp

#define BYTEAOID 17

//#define DEBUG(x) x
#define DEBUG(x)

#include <ibpp.h>

namespace SyNaT
namespace MIR

using namespace Wt::Dbo;
using namespace Wt;

class FirebirdException : public Wt::Dbo::Exception
FirebirdException(const std::string& msg)
: Wt::Dbo::Exception(msg)
{ }

class FirebirdStatement : public SqlStatement
FirebirdStatement(Firebird& conn, const std::string& sql)
: conn_(conn),
lastId_ = -1;
row_ = affectedRows_ = 0;
//result_ = 0;

paramValues_ = 0;
paramTypes_ = paramLengths_ = paramFormats_ = 0;

this->m_stmt = 0;

snprintf(name_, 64, "SQL%p%08X", this, rand());

DEBUG(std::cerr << this << " for: " << sql_ << std::endl);

Transaction tr = conn_.transaction();
// if (!this->m_stmt)
// {
m_stmtnp = conn_.connection()->createStatement(&tr);
this->m_stmt = &m_stmtnp;
// }
// wApp->log("info") << sql_;
catch(IBPP::LogicException &e)
throw FirebirdException(e.what());

state_ = Done;

virtual ~FirebirdStatement()
if (paramValues_)
delete[] paramValues_;
if (paramTypes_)
delete[] paramTypes_;

virtual void reset()
state_ = Done;

virtual void bind(int column, const std::string& value)
DEBUG(std::cerr << this << " bind " << column << " " << value << std::endl);

setValue(column, value);

virtual void bind(int column, short value)
bind(column, static_cast<int>(value));

virtual void bind(int column, int value)
DEBUG(std::cerr << this << " bind " << column << " " << value << std::endl);

setValue(column, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(value));

virtual void bind(int column, long long value)
DEBUG(std::cerr << this << " bind " << column << " " << value << std::endl);

setValue(column, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(value));

virtual void bind(int column, float value)
DEBUG(std::cerr << this << " bind " << column << " " << value << std::endl);

setValue(column, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(value));

virtual void bind(int column, double value)
DEBUG(std::cerr << this << " bind " << column << " " << value << std::endl);

setValue(column, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(value));

virtual void bind(int column, const boost::posix_time::time_duration & value)
DEBUG(std::cerr << this << " bind " << column << " " << boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(value) << std::endl);

std::string v = boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(value);

setValue(column, v);

virtual void bind(int column, const boost::posix_time::ptime& value,
SqlDateTimeType type)
DEBUG(std::cerr << this << " bind " << column << " "
<< boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(value) << std::endl);

std::string v;
if (type == SqlDate)
v = boost::gregorian::to_iso_extended_string(;
v = boost::posix_time::to_iso_extended_string(value);
v[v.find('T')] = ' ';

setValue(column, v);

virtual void bind(int column, const std::vector<unsigned char>& value)
DEBUG(std::cerr << this << " bind " << column << " (blob, size=" <<
value.size() << ")" << std::endl);

for (int i = (int)params_.size(); i <= column; ++i)

Param& p = params_[column];
if (value.size() > 0)
memcpy(const_cast<char *>(, &(*value.begin()),
p.isbinary = true;
p.isnull = false;

// FIXME if first null was bound, check here and invalidate the prepared
// statement if necessary because the type changes

virtual void bindNull(int column)
DEBUG(std::cerr << this << " bind " << column << " null" << std::endl);

for (int i = (int)params_.size(); i <= column; ++i)

params_[column].isnull = true;

virtual void execute()
if (conn_.showQueries())
std::cerr << sql_ << std::endl;

// if (!result_)
// {
paramValues_ = new char *[params_.size()];

for (unsigned i = 0; i < params_.size(); ++i)
if (params_[i].isbinary)
paramTypes_ = new int[params_.size() * 3];
paramLengths_ = paramTypes_ + params_.size();
paramFormats_ = paramLengths_ + params_.size();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < params_.size(); ++j)
paramTypes_[j] = params_[j].isbinary ? BYTEAOID : 0;
paramFormats_[j] = params_[j].isbinary ? 1 : 0;
paramLengths_[j] = 0;
// }

// result_ = PQprepare(conn_.connection(), name_, sql_.c_str(),
// paramTypes_ ? params_.size() : 0, (Oid *)paramTypes_);
// handleErr(PQresultStatus(result_));

// Transaction tr = conn_.transaction();
//// if (!this->m_stmt)
//// {
// m_stmtnp = conn_.connection()->createStatement(&tr);
// this->m_stmt = &m_stmtnp;
//// }
// //(*this->m_stmt)->TransactionPtr().
// try
// {
// (*this->m_stmt)->Prepare(sql_);
//// wApp->log("info") << sql_;
// }
// catch(IBPP::LogicException &e)
// {
// throw FirebirdException(e.what());
// }

for (unsigned i = 0; i < params_.size(); ++i)
if (params_[i].isnull)
paramValues_[i] = 0;
(*this->m_stmt)->SetNull(i + 1);
if (params_[i].isbinary)
paramValues_[i] = const_cast<char *>(params_[i];
paramLengths_[i] = (int) params_[i].value.length();
(*this->m_stmt)->Set(i + 1, paramValues_[i], paramLengths_[i]);
paramValues_[i] = const_cast<char *>(params_[i].value.c_str());
switch((*this->m_stmt)->ParameterType(i + 1))
case sdString:
(*this->m_stmt)->Set(i + 1, paramValues_[i]);
case sdBlob:

case sdDate:

case sdTime:

case sdTimestamp:

case sdFloat:
case sdDouble:
case sdInteger:
case sdSmallint:
case sdLargeint:
Formattable f;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
f.setDecimalNumber(paramValues_[i], status);
case Formattable::kDouble:
(*this->m_stmt)->Set(i + 1, f.getDouble());
case Formattable::kInt64:
(*this->m_stmt)->Set(i + 1, f.getInt64());
case Formattable::kLong:
long l = f.getLong();
(*this->m_stmt)->Set(i + 1, l);




// if (sql_.find("select count(1)") == 0)
// {
// if ((*this->m_stmt)->Fetch())
// (*this->m_stmt)->Get(1, affectedRows_);
// }
// else
// {
affectedRows_ = (*this->m_stmt)->AffectedRows();
// }

row_ = 0;
// if((*this->m_stmt)->Fetch())
// (*this->m_stmt)->Get(1, lastId_);
catch(IBPP::LogicException &e)
throw FirebirdException(e.what());
// if (PQresultStatus(result_) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
// std::string s = PQcmdTuples(result_);
// if (!s.empty())
// affectedRows_ = boost::lexical_cast<int>(s);
// else
// affectedRows_ = 0;
// } else if (PQresultStatus(result_) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
// affectedRows_ = PQntuples(result_);
// bool isInsertReturningId = false;
// if (affectedRows_ == 1) {
// const std::string returning = " returning ";
// std::size_t j = sql_.rfind(returning);
// if (j != std::string::npos
// && sql_.find(' ', j + returning.length()) == std::string::npos)
// isInsertReturningId = true;
// }
// if (isInsertReturningId) {
// state_ = NoFirstRow;
// if (PQntuples(result_) == 1 && PQnfields(result_) == 1) {
// lastId_ = boost::lexical_cast<long long>(PQgetvalue(result_, 0, 0));
// }
// } else {
// if (PQntuples(result_) == 0) {
// state_ = NoFirstRow;
// } else {
// state_ = FirstRow;
// }
// }
// handleErr(PQresultStatus(result_));

virtual long long insertedId()
return lastId_;

virtual int affectedRowCount()
return affectedRows_;

virtual bool nextRow()
if (this->m_stmt && this->m_stmt->intf())
return (*this->m_stmt)->Fetch();
catch(IBPP::Exception &e)
throw FirebirdException(e.what());
return false;

virtual bool getResult(int column, std::string *value, int size)
if (this->m_stmt && this->m_stmt->intf())
if ((*this->m_stmt)->IsNull(++column))
return false;

(*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, *value);
return false;

DEBUG(std::cerr << this
<< " result string " << column << " " << *value << std::endl);

return true;

virtual bool getResult(int column, short *value)
if (this->m_stmt && this->m_stmt->intf())
if ((*this->m_stmt)->IsNull(++column))
return false;

(*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, *value);
return false;

DEBUG(std::cerr << this
<< " result string " << column << " " << *value << std::endl);

return true;

virtual bool getResult(int column, int *value)
if (this->m_stmt && this->m_stmt->intf())
if ((*this->m_stmt)->IsNull(++column))
return false;

(*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, *value);
return false;

DEBUG(std::cerr << this
<< " result string " << column << " " << *value << std::endl);

return true;

virtual bool getResult(int column, long long *value)
if (this->m_stmt && this->m_stmt->intf())
if ((*this->m_stmt)->IsNull(++column))
return false;

(*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, *((int64_t *)value));
return false;

DEBUG(std::cerr << this
<< " result string " << column << " " << *value << std::endl);

return true;

virtual bool getResult(int column, float *value)
if (this->m_stmt && this->m_stmt->intf())
if ((*this->m_stmt)->IsNull(++column))
return false;

(*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, *value);
return false;

DEBUG(std::cerr << this
<< " result string " << column << " " << *value << std::endl);

return true;

virtual bool getResult(int column, double *value)
if (this->m_stmt && this->m_stmt->intf())
if ((*this->m_stmt)->IsNull(++column))
return false;

(*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, *value);
return false;

DEBUG(std::cerr << this
<< " result string " << column << " " << *value << std::endl);

return true;

virtual bool getResult(int column, boost::posix_time::ptime *value,
SqlDateTimeType type)
if (this->m_stmt && this->m_stmt->intf())
if ((*this->m_stmt)->IsNull(++column))
return false;

case SqlDate:
Date d;
(*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, d);
*value = boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::gregorian::date(d.Year(), d.Month(), d.Day()));
case SqlDateTime:
Timestamp tm;
(*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, tm);
*value = boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::gregorian::date(tm.Year(), tm.Month(), tm.Day()), boost::posix_time::hours(tm.Hours()) + boost::posix_time::minutes(tm.Minutes()) + boost::posix_time::seconds(tm.Seconds()) + boost::posix_time::microseconds(tm.SubSeconds() * 100));
case SqlTime:
Time t;
(*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, t);
*value = boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::gregorian::date(0, 0, 0), boost::posix_time::hours(t.Hours()) + boost::posix_time::minutes(t.Minutes()) + boost::posix_time::seconds(t.Seconds()) + boost::posix_time::microseconds(t.SubSeconds() * 100));
return false;

DEBUG(std::cerr << this
<< " result string " << column << " " << *value << std::endl);

return true;

virtual bool getResult(int column, boost::posix_time::time_duration *value)
// if (!this->m_stmt)
// {
// if ((*this->m_stmt)->IsNull(column))
// return false;
// switch(type)
// {
// case SqlDate:
// Date d;
// (*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, d);
// *value = boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::gregorian::date(d.Year(), d.Month(), d.Day()));
// break;
// case SqlDateTime:
// Timestamp tm;
// (*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, tm);
// *value = boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::gregorian::date(tm.Year(), tm.Month(), tm.Day()), boost::posix_time::hours(tm.Hours()) + boost::posix_time::minutes(tm.Minutes()) + boost::posix_time::seconds(tm.Seconds()) + boost::posix_time::microseconds(tm.SubSeconds() * 100));
// break;
// case SqlTime:
// Time t;
// (*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, t);
// *value = boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::gregorian::date(0, 0, 0), boost::posix_time::hours(t.Hours()) + boost::posix_time::minutes(t.Minutes()) + boost::posix_time::seconds(t.Seconds()) + boost::posix_time::microseconds(t.SubSeconds() * 100));
// }
// //value->resize(size);
// }
// else
return false;

// DEBUG(std::cerr << this
// << " result string " << column << " " << *value << std::endl);

// return true;

virtual bool getResult(int column, std::vector<unsigned char> *value,
int size)
char *result = new char[size];
if (this->m_stmt && this->m_stmt->intf())
if ((*this->m_stmt)->IsNull(++column))
delete[] result;
return false;

(*this->m_stmt)->Get(column, result, size);

for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
delete[] result;
return false;
DEBUG(std::cerr << this
<< " result string " << column << " " << *value << std::endl);

delete[] result;
return true;

virtual std::string sql() const {
return sql_;

struct Param {
std::string value;
bool isnull, isbinary;

Param() : isnull(true), isbinary(false) { }

Firebird& conn_;
std::string sql_;
IBPP::Statement *m_stmt;
IBPP::Statement m_stmtnp;
char name_[64];
//PGresult *result_;
enum { NoFirstRow, FirstRow, NextRow, Done } state_;
std::vector<Param> params_;

char **paramValues_;
int *paramTypes_, *paramLengths_, *paramFormats_;

int lastId_, row_, affectedRows_;

// void handleErr(int err)
// {
// if (err != PGRES_COMMAND_OK && err != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
// throw PostgresException(PQerrorMessage(conn_.connection()));
// }

void setValue(int column, const std::string& value)
for (int i = (int)params_.size(); i <= column; ++i)

params_[column].value = value;
params_[column].isnull = false;

std::string convertToNumberedPlaceholders(const std::string& sql)
// std::stringstream result;
// enum { Statement, SQuote, DQuote } state = Statement;
// int placeholder = 1;
// for (unsigned i = 0; i < sql.length(); ++i) {
// switch (state) {
// case Statement:
// if (sql[i] == '\'')
// state = SQuote;
// else if (sql[i] == '"')
// state = DQuote;
// else if (sql[i] == '?') {
// result << '$' << placeholder++;
// continue;
// }
// break;
// case SQuote:
// if (sql[i] == '\'') {
// if (i + 1 == sql.length())
// state = Statement;
// else if (sql[i + 1] == '\'') {
// result << sql[i];
// ++i; // skip to next
// } else
// state = Statement;
// }
// break;
// case DQuote:
// if (sql[i] == '"')
// state = Statement;
// break;
// }
// result << sql[i];
// }
// return result.str();
return sql;

: m_tr(NULL), m_writableTransaction(false), m_dmOwned(true)
this->m_dm = new DatabaseModule();

Firebird::Firebird(DatabaseModule *dm)
: m_dm(dm), m_tr(NULL), m_writableTransaction(false), m_dmOwned(false)
// if (!db.empty())
// connect(db);

Firebird::Firebird(const Firebird& other)
: SqlConnection(other), m_dm(other.m_dm), m_tr(other.m_tr)
, m_writableTransaction(other.m_writableTransaction), m_dmOwned(false)
// if (!other.connInfo_.empty())
// this->connect(other.connInfo_);

// if (conn_)
// PQfinish(conn_);
if (this->m_dmOwned)
if (this->m_dm)
delete this->m_dm;

Firebird *Firebird::clone() const
return new Firebird(*this);

bool Firebird::connect(const std::string& db)
if (!this->m_dm)
return false;

// connInfo_ = db;
// conn_ = PQconnectdb(db.c_str());
// if (PQstatus(conn_) != CONNECTION_OK) {
// std::string error = PQerrorMessage(conn_);
// PQfinish(conn_);
// conn_ = 0;
// throw PostgresException("Could not connect to: " + error);
// }
// PQsetClientEncoding(conn_, "UTF8");

this->m_dm->connect(this->m_dm->getServerName(), db,
this->m_dm->getUserName(), this->m_dm->getUserPassword(),
this->m_dm->getRoleName(), this->m_dm->getCharset(),
return true;

SqlStatement *Firebird::prepareStatement(const std::string& sql)
return new FirebirdStatement(*this, sql);

void Firebird::executeSql(const std::string &sql)

if (showQueries())
std::cerr << sql << std::endl;
SqlStatement *stmt = 0;

stmt = this->prepareStatement(sql);


if (this->m_tr)
if ((*this->m_tr)->Started())
if (stmt)
delete stmt;

// result = PQexec(conn_, sql.c_str());
// err = PQresultStatus(result);
// if (err != PGRES_COMMAND_OK && err != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
// PQclear(result);
// throw PostgresException(PQerrorMessage(conn_));
// }
// PQclear(result);

std::string Firebird::autoincrementType() const
//return "serial";
return std::string();

std::string Firebird::autoincrementSql() const
return std::string();

std::string Firebird::autoincrementInsertSuffix() const
return std::string();

const char *Firebird::dateTimeType(SqlDateTimeType type) const
switch (type) {
case SqlDate:
return "date";
case SqlDateTime:
return "timestamp";
case SqlTime:
return "time";

std::stringstream ss;
ss << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": implementation error";
throw FirebirdException(ss.str());

const char *Firebird::blobType() const
return "blob not null";

void Firebird::startTransaction()
// if (this->m_tr)
// delete this->m_tr;
if (!this->m_tr)
if (this->m_writableTransaction)
m_tra = this->m_dm->createTransaction(amWrite, ilReadCommitted, lrWait);
this->m_tr = &m_tra;
m_tra = this->m_dm->createTransaction(amRead, ilReadCommitted, lrWait);
this->m_tr = &m_tra;

void Firebird::commitTransaction()
if (this->m_tr && this->m_tr->intf())

void Firebird::rollbackTransaction()
if (this->m_tr && this->m_tr->intf())

