/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Emweb bv, Herent, Belgium. * * See the LICENSE file for terms of use. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // c++0x only, for std::bind // #include using namespace Wt; /* * A simple hello world application class which demonstrates how to react * to events, read input, and give feed-back. */ class HelloApplication : public WApplication { public: HelloApplication(const WEnvironment& env); private: WDialog *dlg1_; WDialog *dlg2_; void openDlg1(); void openDlg2(); void closeDlg1(); void closeDlg2(); }; /* * The env argument contains information about the new session, and * the initial request. It must be passed to the WApplication * constructor so it is typically also an argument for your custom * application constructor. */ HelloApplication::HelloApplication(const WEnvironment& env) : WApplication(env) { setTitle("Hello world"); // application title dlg1_ = new WDialog("myDlg1"); WPushButton *closeBtn1 = new WPushButton("close me"); closeBtn1->clicked().connect(this, &HelloApplication::closeDlg1); dlg1_->contents()->addWidget(closeBtn1); dlg2_ = NULL; WPushButton *button1 = new WPushButton("Open dlg1.", root()); // create a button WPushButton *button2 = new WPushButton("Open dlg2.", root()); // create a button root()->addWidget(new WBreak()); // insert a line break /* * Connect signals with slots * * - simple Wt-way */ button1->clicked().connect(this, &HelloApplication::openDlg1); button2->clicked().connect(this, &HelloApplication::openDlg2); /* * - using a c++0x lambda: */ // button->clicked().connect(std::bind([=]() { // greeting_->setText("Hello there, " + nameEdit_->text()); // })); } void HelloApplication::openDlg1() { dlg1_->show(); } void HelloApplication::openDlg2() { delete dlg2_; dlg2_ = new WDialog("myDlg2"); WPushButton *closeBtn2 = new WPushButton("close me"); closeBtn2->clicked().connect(this, &HelloApplication::closeDlg2); dlg2_->contents()->addWidget(closeBtn2); dlg2_->show(); } void HelloApplication::closeDlg1() { dlg1_->hide(); } void HelloApplication::closeDlg2() { dlg2_->hide(); } WApplication *createApplication(const WEnvironment& env) { /* * You could read information from the environment to decide whether * the user has permission to start a new application */ return new HelloApplication(env); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* * Your main method may set up some shared resources, but should then * start the server application (FastCGI or httpd) that starts listening * for requests, and handles all of the application life cycles. * * The last argument to WRun specifies the function that will instantiate * new application objects. That function is executed when a new user surfs * to the Wt application, and after the library has negotiated browser * support. The function should return a newly instantiated application * object. */ static const char STR_HTTP_ARG[] = "--http-address="; static const char STR_APPROOT_ARG[] = "--approot=/etc/opt/pixxel/webui/approot"; static const char STR_DOCROOT_ARG[] = "--docroot=/etc/opt/pixxel/webui/docroot"; static const char FMT_HTTP_PORT_ARG[] = "--http-port=%d"; static const char STR_ACCESSLOG_ARG[] = "--accesslog=/var/opt/pixxel/log/webui_log.txt"; //@TODO, make using this file optional (http://vmivm4:8000/Archos/ticket/3238) static const char STR_THREADS_ARG[] = "--threads=1"; // collect information required to start Wt server char httpArg[32]; snprintf(httpArg, sizeof(httpArg), "%s%s", STR_HTTP_ARG, ""); const char* szProcName = "hello"; /** @todo argc/argv style arguments vs These options are not specified in the wt_config.xml configuration file, but may be indicated on the command-line, or within a configuration file that is located at /etc/wt/wthttpd. */ char STR_HTTP_PORT_ARG[32]; snprintf(STR_HTTP_PORT_ARG, sizeof(STR_HTTP_PORT_ARG), FMT_HTTP_PORT_ARG, 80); const char* myArgv[]= { szProcName, STR_APPROOT_ARG, STR_DOCROOT_ARG, httpArg, STR_HTTP_PORT_ARG, STR_ACCESSLOG_ARG, STR_THREADS_ARG }; int myArgc = sizeof(myArgv) / sizeof(char*); return WRun(myArgc, (char**)myArgv, &createApplication); }