


Wt 3.3.5 RC2

Added by Prasad Dixit almost 9 years ago

Unfortunately Wt 3.3.5 RC1 binaries were not available because of last minute build error on Windows. So I am waiting from release of RC2 and its binaries. What is the tentative date for release of RC2? Thank you!

Replies (2)

RE: Wt 3.3.5 RC2 - Added by Prasad Dixit almost 9 years ago

It has been two weeks since I posted the question but unfortunately no reply so far. Any insight will help us manage our own release cycles better. It will be great if there were pre-determined release dates. For example, four maintenance releases and one major release annually.

RE: Wt 3.3.5 RC2 - Added by Torsten Schulz almost 9 years ago

I think a new version isn't scheduled, but comes when the team think it is ready. For me that is ok, better then to set a date and then there are many bugs in it.
