File browser dialog to specify a path or location
Added by Joseph Nalluri over 9 years ago
I am trying to implement a WDialog box, which will have a 'File browsing/choosing' capability. The user would select/specify a location. I could not find this kind of functionality in the WT examples. I do not need to upload a file. Please refer to the attached image.
Any guidelines or pointers would be helpful.
- Joseph
Capture.JPG (91.2 KB) Capture.JPG |
Replies (1)
RE: File browser dialog to specify a path or location - Added by Georgiy Gluhoedov over 9 years ago
I decided a similar problem so:
WFileUpload* fu = //...
WLineEdit* le = //...
fu->changed().connect(fu, &WFileUpload::upload);
fu->uploaded().connect(std::bind([=] ()
// path with the images in the application directory
std::string appDir = wApp->appRoot() + WString::tr("").toUTF8();
boost::filesystem::path serverImgPath(appDir);
// all images in this folder
std::vector< boost::filesystem::path > files;
std::copy( boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(serverImgPath), boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(), std::back_inserter(files) );
// for the image extension (png, jpg, et al)
boost::filesystem::path clientImgPath(fu->clientFileName().toUTF8());
// new image path and name
std::string imgPath = appDir + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(files.size()) + clientImgPath.extension().string();
// if the image exists in the temporary folder
// copy image
boost::filesystem::copy_file(fu->spoolFileName(), imgPath);
// set new path on the server
Br. Georgy