


JS minify tool

Added by M R over 3 years ago


I want to extend some parts of the javascript code and I want to minify it.

What tool are you using? I've read the forums and, a few years ago, you were using closure compiler.

Is this still used? If so, do you have a certain configuration?



Replies (1)

RE: JS minify tool - Added by Roel Standaert over 3 years ago

We are indeed still using a very old version of closure compiler (google-compiler-20091218.jar) that we really ought to update some time, using this command line:

java -jar google-compiler-20091218.jar --compilation_level=SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS --externs extern.js --js INPUT > OUTPUT

extern.js contains:

function L(){};
function R(){};

I'm not sure why, though.

You can try some other minifier, if it works it works. I will look into updating ours (I don't necessarily want to keep using Closure) at some point.

If you want to upstream your changes, then don't worry about minifying them, we'll take care of that.
