


Binary do not start and ends in Symbol not found. But library is correctly compiled and installed

Added by Sven Alisch 4 months ago

Hello all,

Happy New Year. I have the problem, that I can not start my application. Since 1 year I did not compile and started the app. I also upgraded all libraries, the compiler. I work under MacOS. The app compiles and links without any error. But if I start the app with:

./waverider --approot=../approot --docroot=../docroot --http-listen

The result is:
dyld[89619]: Symbol not found: __ZN2Wt10SignalBaseC2Ev
Referenced from: / /build/waverider
Expected in: unknown

It seems, the problem has to do with WtSignalBase Instance/Class, but why? BTW: This happens with wt versions 4.8 / 4.9 / 4.10.

How to locate the error?


Replies (1)

RE: Binary do not start and ends in Symbol not found. But library is correctly compiled and installed - Added by Sven Alisch 4 months ago

I have found out, that the libs were not found while executing the binary (assembly). Strange, but while my app compiles, all the libs were found.

If such a strange behavior occurs, I recommend to do following:

  1. Start your app with: DYLD_PRINT_SEARCHING=1 ./waverider ...
  2. Look in the messages, if there occurs a line like:
dyld[5439]: find path "@rpath/libwthttp.4.10.3.dylib"
dyld[5439]:   not found: "@rpath/libwthttp.4.10.3.dylib"

  1. If so, check your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH with:

  1. If "/usr/local/lib" is missing, add with:


After adding "/usr/local/lib" it works.

