


How do I compile my first Wt project?

Added by Alec Taylor over 13 years ago

Good Morning,

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 x64 with Wt. (default apt install, until I can get my Wt 3.1.10 working on Windows)

I'm thinking to begin a simple project (start with maybe the Hello World example?) which will allow the user to upload files (classWt_1_1WFileUpload), then a function is run against those files with results shown to user.

I'm using Code::Blocks as my development environment (IDE) and g as my compiler. How do I compile the .Wt in order to display the web page?

Do I need to use CMake or something?

Thanks for all help on this very beginner question,

Alec Taylor

PS: Realised the forums would be a better place to ask this sort of question - not here (

Replies (1)

RE: How do I compile my first Wt project? - Added by Alec Taylor about 13 years ago

To compile the code:

g -L/usr/lib -lwt -lwthttp .C -o .wt

To run the code on the server:

.wt ---docroot ./ ---http-address ---http-port 8080
