Which Wt Resources were the most helpful for you?
Added by I. Lazaridis almost 11 years ago
My personal favorite is this one:
Usable is this one, too:
I had many problems with the wiki (mainly due to outdated stuff):
The wt website itself contains too much text
Too verbose and too much details at once is provided here:
What is your favorite wt teach-in resource?
Replies (2)
RE: Which Wt Resources were the most helpful for you? - Added by Kirill Brutyev almost 11 years ago
tutorials, examples and looking through the code. I agree more tutorials or examples would be nicer. I manly go through examples to see how you can approch different ways to do things; for example, composer has a nice way of including attachments.
would be nice to have tutorial on qt things. I never used qt so had to spend some time trying to figure out wobject and signals (i'm still unfamiliar with it). And it would be nice to see a diagram how the application works with signalling and communication for the hello world example.
RE: Which Wt Resources were the most helpful for you? - Added by I. Lazaridis almost 11 years ago
Kirill Brutyev wrote:
And it would be nice to see a diagram how the application works with signalling and communication for the hello world example.
Nice idea.