Bug #5338
openGoogleMap usage without Internet connection
I have an embedded device running WT, using WT's built in web server.
On the web page I have a small window with google maps (among other things).
When the PC/browser accessing the device does not have an Internet connection,
the entire web interface is blocked/unusable/stalls.
I would expect the window with google maps to be unusable, but it seems to block the entire web interface.
Is there a way around this, so the remaining parts of the web interface is usable?.
I have a small example program, it shows white screen/nothing loaded,
if PC/browser does not have Internet connection:
WApplication *createApplication(const WEnvironment& env) {
Wt::WApplication *app = new Wt::WApplication(env);
app->setTheme(new Wt::WBootstrapTheme(app));
app~~root()>addWidget(new Wt::WText("MAP"));root()~~>addWidget(map_);
Wt::WGoogleMap *map_ = new Wt::WGoogleMap();
return app;
No data to display