Bug #5807
openWMediaPlayer custom time text widgets working
I'm using wt-3.3.7 but I checked the same applies to the later RC versions.
I simply quote the code from the render() function in WMediaPlayer.C (545):
const char *displaySelectors[] =
{ "currentTime", "duration" };
for (unsigned i = CurrentTime; i < Duration; ++i) {
if (control_[i]) {
if (!first)
ss << ", ";
ss << const_cast<char *>(displaySelectors[i]) << ":\"#"
<< display_[i]->id() << "\"";
first = false;
First of all the for loop covers only one control (CurrentTime).
And in the loop the control_ pointer is checked to be not null, not the display_.
I do not understand why these text fields work in the default control widget implementation though.
Updated by Alex Ignatov over 7 years ago
Same error higher in the code - while looping over control_ array the for loop does not include the last "RepeatOff" control:
for (unsigned i = VideoPlay; i < RepeatOff; ++i)
Updated by Alex Ignatov about 7 years ago
I upgraded my development to the current release (4.0.2) and the bug is still there. Custom controls widget will not work properly out of the box.
Updated by Alex Ignatov about 5 years ago
Both bugs are still there in the master :) Has no one ever used custom controls for the player?