Support #5888
openWt blog rss-feed suggest wrong subscribe address
I'm not sure this is the right place to report this. However, the rss-feed subscirbe button on suggests the following wrong address:
Best regards,
Updated by Roel Standaert over 7 years ago
The feed does contain http
instead of https
URLs, so we should probably update that, but that shouldn't break anything.
That subscribe button is not something we generate, so I think it's your browser turning it into the wrong address? It works for me in Firefox (Chrome just shows the plain XML).
Updated by Стойчо Стефанов Stoycho Stefanov over 7 years ago
Correct! It works for me with firefox as well and I can subscribe using the live bookmarks of Firefox.
The problem is to subscribe using Microsoft Outlook. I succeeded to subscribe manually on my outlook using and don't personally need any fix, but I found it worth reporting.