Bug #6232
openconnectionMonitor invalid ackId
Hello there I suddenly discovered a problem with the connectionMonitor and the error invalid ackId. I am not really sure if the problem is with the connectionMonitor in combination with invalid ackId or if there are just invalid ackId problems.
I am using a connectionMonitor to determine the connection state and display a offline message in case it is disconnected. With some of my application configuration it happens that I get disconnected and the message won't move away. If this happens I can see invalid ackId errors in the log file.
In my application server pushes are enabled but no websockets. I first used the 3.3.8 wt version and upgraded to the latest git version of the branch wt3. The problem is there with either version. So far I could reproduce the problem using the current version of the chrome browser but not with a current version of the firefox. If you need any further information or direct access to the application please don't hesitate to ask.
I would really appreciate if you can help me out here. I have some log files but prefer to send them directly to your mail address.
Many thanks
Updated by Florian Ransmayr about 7 years ago
Hello roel,
dropped you a mail with some log files.
Updated by Roel Standaert about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Hello Florian,
Do you experience this problem frequently? If so, could you see if disabling the connectionMonitor makes the problem go away? This would help clarify in what direction we should be looking for this problem.
Updated by Florian Ransmayr about 7 years ago
Hello Roel,
thanks for the fast response. The problem occurs really frequent on my pc if I do a specific action in my application. The specific action is switching from normal mode of operation to the configuration mode which kind of reloads most of the content of the page. I tried to disable the connectionMonitor as you suggested but the problem didn't go away. Now the loading indicator stays there forever.
I drop you a mail with the current HAR and log file. If you want you can access my application directly and I just tell you the steps to reproduce. There just might be a different behavior because of the different network connection. A colleague of mine couldn't see the problem at his home office over the internet.
Updated by Roel Standaert about 7 years ago
So you are accessing the application over a local network? Or is it on the same computer?
It's possible that if it is a timing-sensitive issue, it will only be reproducible when the latency is low. It could maybe help me to access your application directly, though, you never know.