Bug #7468
closedRegression: interactive WCartesianChart panning glitches with plain tooltips
With github Wt 4.2.0-50-g719a5203, there appears to be a regression that affects panning of interactive WCartesianCharts with plain tooltips. It can be observed by adding a one-line patch that provides tooltips on the WidgetGallery's AxisSliderWidget example (attached). To drive the issue, browse to .../graphics-charts/axis-slider-widget and use the axis slider to zoom in on a subset of the chart. It will be difficult to pan with the mouse. Sometimes, panning will not occur although the mouse button is depressed. Other times, panning will continue after the mouse button is released.
I believe the issue was introduced with the change to src/web/skeleton/Wt.js in commit d07b35eec.
Attached, for your review, is a one-line patch to src/Wt/Chart/WCartesianChart.C that seems to help with this specific issue.
Updated by Roel Standaert almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
I applied your patch and pushed it to GitHub. Thanks.
Updated by Roel Standaert almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed