Feature #7581
openisapi mode and internal path
it would be possible to have the same behavior on internal paths in ISAPI mode like Whttp mode? with ?=/
example,instead of the path:
which allows you to have no problem on paths in IIS and to be able to manage any paths internally to access a page
or a page created on the fly with a dynamic internal path.
Currently to manage this problem I go through the internalPathChanged() notification and I modify the url with html5 with the function:
history.replaceState(stateObj, "", "//ottavi06.freeboxos.fr/tennisclub.dll?_=/Acceuil");
which allows me to access a page of the site directly with the url and to manage
the course in the history of the pages.
it's not perfect but it works almost all the time.
Best regards,
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