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Pieter Libin, 10/29/2009 03:14 PM

h1. Installing Wt on Ubuntu


For installation of Wt on Ubuntu, you have the choice between the official package available in Ubuntu, prebuilt packages by Pau Garcia i Quiles (always updated to the newest Wt version) or installation from source.

h2. Installing from the official package

Since Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10), official packages for Ubuntu are available. To install Wt, run:

$ sudo aptitude install witty witty-dbg witty-dev witty-doc

This will automatically install all the required dependencies. If you only want the runtime library, you only need to install the witty package. The witty-dbg package contains the debug versions of the libraries.

Note: If boost headers are missing, you may also need:

$ sudo apt-get install libboost*1.35*

The official package is usually a bit outdated due to the stabilization periods Debian and Ubuntu need prior to release. If you want to use the newest version of Wt and not build from source, read on.

h2. Installing from prebuilt packages

Since Wt 2.0.3, unofficial packages for Ubuntu are being built by "Pau Garcia i Quiles": To install Wt, add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:

deb hardy main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src hardy main restricted universe multiverse

(that's for Ubuntu 8.04, replace 'hardy' with 'dapper' for Ubuntu 6.06, 'edgy' for Ubuntu 6.10, 'feisty' for Ubuntu 7.04 or 'gutsy' for Ubuntu 7.10)

Then run:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo aptitude install witty witty-dbg witty-dev witty-doc

This will automatically install all the required dependencies. If you only want the runtime library, you only need to install the witty package. The witty-dbg package contains the debug versions of the libraries.

These packages are built by the maintainer of the official Debian and Ubuntu packages and are always updated to the latest version of Wt. If you want to use the newest version of Wt and not build from source, this is the preferred method.

h2. Installing from sources

h3. Howto for wthttpd on gutsy

I made this for a freshly installed ubuntu 7.10 (gutsy gibbon).
It's without unicode,mysql and extjs support.
Should work similar for debian 4.0 etch.
As I wrote this down after installation, I hope all steps are correct. If you encounter problems, please let me know.

h3. installing system dependencies

Note : this information is partially out of date. Instead of installing the 1.34 versions of the boost projects, use the 1.35 ones (also in ubuntu with sudo apt-get install libboost1.35-dev)

Open a terminal and enter the following commands:

sudo apt-get install gcc
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install zlib1g
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install libboost-date-time-dev libboost-date-time1.34.1
sudo apt-get install libboost-program-options-dev libboost-program-options1.34.1
sudo apt-get install libboost-regex-dev libboost-regex1.34.1
sudo apt-get install libboost-signals-dev libboost-signals1.34.1
sudo apt-get install libboost-thread-dev libboost-thread1.34.1
sudo apt-get remove libgd-noxpm-dev (as libgd therein seems to be to old for examples - see link below)
sudo apt-get install libgd2-xpm libgd2-xpm-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-filesystem1.34.1
sudo apt-get install libboost-test-dev libboost-test1.34.1

If you also want support for deploying applications using FastCGI, you'll need the following library, and set FCGI to true when configuring Wt:

sudo apt-get install libfcgi-dev

h3. getting external sources

h4. get asio (

wget -c
tar xvfj asio-0.3.9.tar.bz2

h4. get Wt (

wget -c
tar xvfz wt-2.1.0.tar.gz

h3. buidling and installing sources

h4. asio

cd asio-0.3.9
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

h4. Wt

cd wt-2.1.0
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

h3. Try the examples

h4. From the prebuilt packages:

  • To build the examples, call CMake this way:

cmake -DWT_SOURCE_DIR=/usr/share/doc/witty-doc/ -DEXAMPLES_CONNECTOR="wt;wthttp" /usr/share/doc/witty-doc/examples

  • Then go to /usr/share/doc/witty-doc/examples and enter the directory of the example you want to run.

  • When running the example, set the docroot to "."

  • For instance, if you compiled the examples in /home/user/dev/wtexamples, you would do:

$ mkdir /home/user/dev/wtexamples
$ cd /home/user/dev/wtexamples
$ cmake -DWT_SOURCE_DIR=/usr/share/doc/witty-doc/ -DEXAMPLES_CONNECTOR="wt;wthttp" /usr/share/doc/witty-doc/examples
$ make
$ cd /usr/share/doc/witty-doc/examples/charts
$ /home/user/dev/wtexamples/charts/charts.wt --http-port 10000 --http-addr --docroot .

h4. From the sources:

  • If you installed Wt using the source packages (, then you can find instructions on how to run the examples in the file INSTALL.html that is included in the main directory of the respective source package.

h4. Special cases:

  • Please note the wt-homepage example will not run properly unless you download ExtJS ( and extract it the proper place.

  • Please note the wtwithqt example needs Qt 4.x to run

h3. Using 'ccmake' to edit build options

This is an easy, graphical way to edit the build options

cd build
ccmake .

h3. if it fails with SSL problem (as mine did)

Edit the HTTP_WITH_SSL to OFF, and try again (or you could install openssl-dev and try again)

CMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set,
and cmake can not find them.
Please set the following variables:


Updated by Pieter Libin over 15 years ago · 1 revisions