


google_api_key problem

Added by Josh Knox over 7 years ago


Using Wt 3.3.5.

I've got a WGoogleMap in my app/server. It works fine when I run my app on my local machine. Also still works fine on a couple test boxes that have been running for a while (months)

I recently installed it on a remote machine. In a browser, the map no longer is displayed. Instead it shows an error message:

"Oops! Something went wrong.
This page didn't load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details."

The browser console showed the following error:

Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError    js?v=3&sensor=false&callback=google.loader.callbacks.maps:37 Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError.
Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys

So, I (re)generated a standard Google Map API key using the Google Developer Console. I put that key into the google_api_key property in my wt_config.xml, as:

 <property name="google_api_key">AIzaSy6yPiPh123rEXAMPLEhCD6JvGrpY61TI</property>

However, I'm still getting this error in clients trying to load the map. My other test boxes, with same software build, load the map just fine.

I also noticed the key is not being passed when the google map API is loaded:

Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?



Replies (3)

RE: google_api_key problem - Added by Josh Knox over 7 years ago

I modified WGoogleMap::render to add the google api key when the maps API is loaded.

strm << "setTimeout(function(){ delete " << initFunction << ";}, 0)};"
     << "google.load(\"maps\", \"" << (apiVersion_ == Version2 ? '2' : '3')
     << "\", {other_params:\"sensor=false&key=" << googlekey << "\", callback: "
     << initFunction << "});"
     << "}"; // private scope

That appears to get rid of the MissingKeyMapError.

Is this a bug?

RE: google_api_key problem - Added by Koen Deforche over 7 years ago

That must be a change on their side. I filed it as a bug #5298

RE: google_api_key problem - Added by Osman Zakir almost 7 years ago

I also need help on this. Where do I add the "property name='google_api_key'" tag? Do I add the path to the file itself in "application-settings location"? And if I want to enable JavaScript and AJAX and turn Progressive Bootstrap on, what changes do I make to the file (if any)?
