


widget too high?

Added by Arjan Vermeij over 12 years ago

The attached example shows a panel widget that I think has the wrong height. Or am I doing something wrong?

The structure of the widget hierarchy is

  container-widget with grid layout, one row, two columns
    cell (0, 0) -> tab-widget
      tab 1 -> ...
      tab 2 -> panel -> stack
      tab 3 -> ...
    cell (0, 1) -> group-box-widget-> container-widget with grid layout, one row, three columns
      cell (0, 0) -> slider-widget
      cell (0, 1) -> slider-widget
      cell (0, 2) -> slider-widget

It's almost as if the calculation of the height of the panel in tab 2, does not take into account the shadow painted around the panel. I expected it to not extend further down than the group box on the right.


Replies (2)

RE: widget too high? - Added by Arjan Vermeij over 12 years ago

Here I have another example of the problem (if there is one). The attached screen shot shows a grid with one row, four columns. The left column contains an image filling its cell completely. The second column shows the same image, but now in a tab. The height of the image is adjusted correctly to the space taken up by the tab. The third column contains a group box, with the correct height. The last column shows the same group box, but in a tab: it now extends down beyond the other cells.

Anyone? Thanks in advance. Arjan.

RE: widget too high? - Added by Koen Deforche over 12 years ago

Hey Arjan,

I just took a look at this. Indeed, there were inaccuracies in resizing WPanel and WStackedWidget contents, related to margins and borders.

I've fixed this in my git copy, will be pushed to git soon (hopefully ... we're trying to get a big merge settled down).


