


setSizeAware and getting the height of widgets

Added by Michael Leitman about 12 years ago

Hello out there :)

Due to my problems getting the actual client-side height of my widgets i write a short project,

to explain what i want and have already done.

I'd like to create a visual Link between two parts of my Application

(as mentioned in an earlier post here:

To connect these parts (they have completely individual and flexible height) i need to get the actual height of the widgets.

I already tried to use "setSizeAware(true)" for all of my container widgets,

but if i call wwidgetContainer->height() or height().toPixels() i get always strange values?

(a seen in the console output in the screenshot i attached)

What did i miss?

How can i get the actual height of the widgets and containers in the browser?

I also attached a test project (TestSizeAware.rar)

any help is much appreciated,

  • regards, the incredible Leitman

Replies (4)

RE: setSizeAware and getting the height of widgets - Added by Koen Deforche about 12 years ago


The actual size for a layout-size-aware widget is communicated only in the layoutSizeChanged() methods (which you print).

The width and height of a widget merely returns the value that was set for it.

If no value is set, it is (usually) WLength::auto.

If a value is set, this is returned.

When converting a length to pixels, then it returns 0.



RE: setSizeAware and getting the height of widgets - Added by Michael Leitman about 12 years ago

I am really sorry to be back here,

but I simply just don't get it :(

What I want is a visual connection between my widgets (

but I can't figure out, what to do to get the height of the widgets in the browser :(

Maybe anyone can help me with a few Questions?


As mentioned in the reference: "This method propagates the client-side width and height of the widget when the widget is contained by a layout manager and setLayoutSizeAware(true) was called."

So i have to put the widgets in a LayoutManager per addWidget(widget, row, col)

which itself is nested in a Widget (or widgetContainer) that has set LayoutSizeAware to true.

for example:

m_layout = new WGridLayout();              // the bottom Layout: |   | |     |
m_layout->setHorizontalSpacing(0);         //                    |   | |     |
m_layout->setVerticalSpacing(0);           //                    |   | |     |
m_layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
    SizeAwareContainerWidget *container = new SizeAwareContainerWidget(); // this container gets the layoutSizeChanged method if added
        WGridLayout *inner_layout = new WGridLayout(); // to forward the sizeChange -> add nested LayoutManager
        inner_layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
        for (int idx_row = 0; idx_row < 3; ++idx_row)
            inner_layout->addWidget(new DropDownWidget(ss.str()), idx_row, 0); // here comes my DropDownWidget from the example project above
m_layout->addWidget(container, 0, idx_col, 0);
this->setLayout(m_layout, AlignLeft);

This works, i get the output of layoutSizeChanged with the new width and height :)

But how can i set the aligment of the widgets?

if if try container->setLayout(inner_layout, AlignTop); (which i want) instead of setLayout without Alignment,

the layoutSizeChanged of the dropDownWidget is never called :(

How can i align my widgets, so that the horizontal space inside the container is not split between them?

(see screenshot "alignment.png")

when is layoutSizeChanged called?

In my DropDownWidget, onClick i set a nested Widget to invisible per


which reduces the height of my widget in the browser.

If I do so and click, the widget size changes, but onLayoutChanged gets never called.

And if i want to set the actual size in pixel IN the onLayoutChanged method:

virtual void layoutSizeChanged( int w, int h )
    std::cout << " size changed to: " << w << ", " << h << "\n";
    if (w != width().toPixels() || h != height().toPixels())
        std::cout << " size was: " << width().toPixels() << ", " << height().toPixels() << "\n";
        resize(WLength(w, WLength::Pixel), WLength(h, WLength::Pixel));

it gets called over and over again.

And if a react to a inside onClick Event inside my DropDownWidget as:

resize(width(), height());

parent()->resize(parent()->width(), parent()->height());

nothing happens, the onLayoutSizeChanged gets not called.

How can i force a call of onLayoutSizeChanged?

Any help is appreciated,

i am searching and try and error for days now ;(

  • the incredible Leitman

RE: setSizeAware and getting the height of widgets - Added by Michael Leitman about 12 years ago

Any help? Any suggestion?


... please? ;(

RE: setSizeAware and getting the height of widgets - Added by Koen Deforche about 12 years ago


You should add an empty container widget with stretch 1 as a last widget which will get all the remaining space.


