enable/disable a WTreeTable and all of its subnodes
Added by Michael Leitman almost 13 years ago
Hello out there :)
Due to user-right handling in my application,
it starts with a "not clickable" WTreeTable (per setting this->m_treeTable->disable();
At first i create a TreeTable, then adding it as a Widget to a Layout
and at last calling disable().
For testing, on reaction to a Button Click, i enable the treeTable, calling this->m_treeTable->enable();
But then, only the "first level nodes" are clickable,
if i expand a Node, which contains subnodes, these are not available.
Is that supposed to be?
If yes, how can i en/disable all nodes and subnodes of a treetable?
I attached code, which represents my test case.
As seen in my code, the same process works for a WTreeView!
- the incredible Leitman
PS: oh, and i have another question, regarding WTreeView:
Using a WTreeTable, i can simply delete the current selection with
How would this look alike using a WTreeView?
I tried WTreeView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().clear();
but this did not work :(
thank you for every help
- the incredible Leitman
TestTreeTable.cpp (3.76 KB) TestTreeTable.cpp |
Replies (3)
RE: enable/disable a WTreeTable and all of its subnodes - Added by Michael Leitman almost 13 years ago
I just discovered another strange (in my eyes) behavior:
If i set a TristateCheckbox in the WTreeView header like
mode->setHeaderFlags(0, Horizontal, HeaderIsTristate | HeaderIsUserCheckable);
and set Sorting Enabled: treeView->setSortingEnabled(col, false);
and then set the whole WTreeView to disabled,
it's still available and the user can sort columns and select the tristate checkbox in the header?
RE: enable/disable a WTreeTable and all of its subnodes - Added by Koen Deforche almost 13 years ago
1) Indeed, WTreeTable::disable()/enable() and WTreeView::disable()/enable() require some extra work.
Could you file this as a bug ?
2) WTreeView::setSelectedIndexes(WModelIndexSet()) will clear the selection.
RE: enable/disable a WTreeTable and all of its subnodes - Added by Michael Leitman almost 13 years ago
thank you again, very much :)
@2: that helps ;) works perfect now
@1: i reported a bug under http://redmine.emweb.be/issues/1247
- the incredible Leitman