


How can i send a json object to server?

Added by Everton Fonseca over 6 years ago

I want to send many datas of type json to my jwt, is that possible?

Replies (7)

RE: How can i send a json object to server? - Added by Wim Dumon over 6 years ago

Hi Everton,

The simple answer is 'yes, sure'. But for a helpful answer, I need more information on what you want to do ;-)


RE: How can i send a json object to server? - Added by Everton Fonseca over 6 years ago

I would like to send data from an external application to my jwt server, and thus receive and reposonder back a new data to it.

RE: How can i send a json object to server? - Added by Wim Dumon over 6 years ago

Hello Everton,

Assuming that you want to send the data over HTTP to a fixed URL, you will have to deploy a global WResource at that URL. By reimplementing handleRequest(), you will be able to communicate with the external application.

You can deploy a global WResources by calling WtServlet.addResource().

Best regards,


RE: How can i send a json object to server? - Added by Everton Fonseca over 6 years ago

Wim why request.getInputStream() always is empty when application sends a json to server jwt?

WtServlet.getInstance().addResource(new WResource() {


protected void handleRequest(WebRequest request, WebResponse response) throws IOException {

ServletInputStream input = request.getInputStream();

System.out.println("Put int: " + input.available());

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input));

String dado = null;

while ((dado = reader.readLine()) != null) {

System.out.println("Dados: " + dado);




}, "/SGIB/index/input");


RE: How can i send a json object to server? - Added by Everton Fonseca over 6 years ago

Wim why request.getInputStream() always is empty when application sends a json to server jwt?

Test.txt (687 Bytes) Test.txt

RE: How can i send a json object to server? - Added by Everton Fonseca over 6 years ago

Qt Example Application send json to server jwt.

Test.txt (765 Bytes) Test.txt