


Created layout aware class derived from WTableView that a... » TableView.h

TableView header - Matt Russell, 08/12/2015 05:44 PM


#include <Wt/WTableView>

* Implementing our own table view class derived from the Wt one. This
* implementation is designed to be layout aware.
class TableView : public Wt::WTableView
/** Default table header height */
const static int kTableHeaderRowHeight;

/** Default table row height */
const static int kTableBodyRowHeight;

/** Assumed table cell padding */
const static int kTableCellPadding;

/** Width that a scroll bar adds to a table */
const static int kScrollBarWidth;

/** Default fixed width a date/time column takes up (without wrapping) */
const static int kDefaultDateTimeWidth;

TableView(Wt::WContainerWidget* parent = 0);

* Upon a table resize, size the columns appropriately.
* @param int width Full table width
* @param int height Full table height
auto layoutSizeChanged(int width, int height) -> void override;

* Overload setColumnWidth so we can save what the user specifies into our
* map. This implementation can take both absolute and relative
* (percentage) widths. Percentages are interpretted as the percentage of
* non-allocated width remaining. i.e. if a table is 100px, and one column
* has an absolute width of 20px, then the two following relative columns
* should both use 50%, which would yeild 40px each (minux padding.)
auto setColumnWidth(int column, const Wt::WLength& width) -> void override;

* Set the number of visible rows before a scroll bar appears
auto setVisibleRows(int rows) -> void { visible_rows_ = rows; }
* Map table columns to width
std::map<int, Wt::WLength> widths_;

* Rows visible before scroll bar */
int visible_rows_ = -1;

#endif /* end of include guard: TABLEVIEW_H_CKJUAPB2 */

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