


Created layout aware class derived from WTableView that a... » TableView.cpp

TableView Implementation - Matt Russell, 08/12/2015 05:44 PM

#include "TableView.h"

#include <Wt/WAbstractItemModel>

// Pixels
const int TableView::kTableHeaderRowHeight = 38;
const int TableView::kTableBodyRowHeight = 48;
const int TableView::kTableCellPadding = 7;
const int TableView::kScrollBarWidth = 20;
const int TableView::kDefaultDateTimeWidth = 120;

TableView::TableView(Wt::WContainerWidget* parent)
: Wt::WTableView(parent)


auto TableView::layoutSizeChanged(int width, int height) -> void {
// Calculate our fixed width columns
auto nfixed = 0;
auto nrel = 0;

// "fixed" number of pixels
auto fixed = 0.0;

for (auto col : widths_) if (col.second.unit() == Wt::WLength::Percentage) nrel++;

auto percent_sum=0.0;
for (auto col : widths_) {
if (col.second.unit() != Wt::WLength::Percentage)
fixed += col.second.toPixels();
percent_sum += col.second.value();

// Check to see if the relative columns are taking up ~100% of the
// non-fixed width. "Roughly" because sometimes they're intentionally off
// by a fraction just to avoid a scroll bar
const auto epsilon = 0.5;
if (100.0 - percent_sum > epsilon) Wt::log("debug") << "Warning: Relative column widths do not take up 100% of the available width";

// Columns who's width wasn't explicitly set are considered "fixed", and Wt
// will default them to 150px or something.
nfixed = model()->columnCount() - nrel;

// Show scroll bar?
bool show_scroll = visible_rows_ > 0 && model()->rowCount() > visible_rows_;

auto remainder = width - (fixed + (kTableCellPadding * model()->columnCount()) + (show_scroll ? kScrollBarWidth : 0.0));

for (auto col : widths_) {
if (col.second.unit() == Wt::WLength::Percentage) {
setColumnWidth(col.first, Wt::WLength(col.second.value()/100.0*remainder, Wt::WLength::Pixel));

// Pass the call up the chain
Wt::WTableView::layoutSizeChanged(width, height);

auto TableView::setColumnWidth(int column, const Wt::WLength& width) -> void {
// Just save the data and pass the the work up
widths_.emplace(column, width);

Wt::WTableView::setColumnWidth(column, width);

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