


Feature request : Uploading large file by chunk

Added by Hyeoni Hwasoo over 7 years ago

The goal is to have the ability to upload large file by chunk : this could upload files up to 4 Go with a very low footprint memory (maybe 1 or 2 Mb).

Some links:

Replies (1)

RE: Feature request : Uploading large file by chunk - Added by Wim Dumon over 7 years ago


Are you referring to a low footprint on the server? Or a small footprint on the client? And is memory footprint RAM or disk space?

Wt already allows you to set a max post size, but also a limit on when request content should be spooled to disk instead of being kept in memory. As such, uploading a large file should not require a lot of RAM - but still at least two times the size of the file on disk (Wt spools the entire request before it starts processing it). So, I believe Wt with the built-in http server can already do this.

The methods you refer to are at first sight non-standard and require the client and server to implement some kind of protocol. The server-side aspect can probably be implemented with class WResource, but Wt does not include such functionality.

Best regards,

