


Wt::Dbo Postgress Debug Mode Issue

Added by Ansal P.A. about 6 years ago

I am able to connect with a Postgres database using Wt::Dbo.

I mapped a class and successfully created the table in the database.

I have connected a Wt::TableView with this table.

The data is successfully loaded using Wt::Dbo::QueryModel and session().find<>()

But this is in Release mode.

When I run it in Debug Mode

when executing session().find<>()

I am getting a 'Debug Assertion Failed' error.

Expression: __acrt_first_block==header

Any Idea?

Replies (3)

RE: Wt::Dbo Postgress Debug Mode Issue - Added by Ansal P.A. about 6 years ago

I found the solution.

This happens because of different C settings.

In visual Studio, take Project properties

In 'C/C' options select 'Code Generation'

Change 'Runtime Library' to 'Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd)


RE: Wt::Dbo Postgress Debug Mode Issue - Added by lm at about 6 years ago

Wow! Excellent sleuthing!
