Docker Image
Added by lm at over 2 years ago
Is there a WT docker image I can use?
Replies (3)
RE: Docker Image - Added by Roel Standaert over 2 years ago
I don't know of any published Docker images.
I do have a Dockerfile
for one of my personal projects, that's based on Alpine:
Maybe that can be of some help.
RE: Docker Image - Added by lm at over 2 years ago
Thank you, that is very helpful as always, Roel! I see the issues with boost. apk is still installing boost 1.78, but the ticket says it's fixed in 1.79, so I'll keep with the build-your-old boost formula. Thank you again!
RE: Docker Image - Added by lm at over 2 years ago
This worked for me; not many changes from what you provided.
from alpine:3.16.2 as builder
run apk add gcc g++ cmake ninja graphicsmagick-dev postgresql-dev zlib-dev linux-headers make libharu-dev
# We need to build Boost ourselves because of issue #688:
# 1.75.0 is the last version without the regression
run mkdir /boost && \
cd /boost && \
wget && \
tar xf boost_1_75_0.tar.bz2 && \
cd boost_1_75_0 && \
./ && \
./b2 link=shared --prefix=/boost/install-dir --with-atomic --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-program_options --with-filesystem --with-thread install && \
cd .. && \
rm boost_1_75_0.tar.bz2 && \
rm -rf boost_1_75_0
arg WT_VERSION=4.8.1
run mkdir /wt && \
cd /wt && \
wget${WT_VERSION}.tar.gz -O wt-${WT_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
tar xf wt-${WT_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
mkdir wt-${WT_VERSION}/build && \
cd wt-${WT_VERSION}/build && \
cmake .. \
-GNinja \
-DBOOST_PREFIX=/boost/install-dir \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/wt/install-dir && \
ninja install && \
cd ../.. && \
rm -rf wt-${WT_VERSION}
workdir /app
env ECXXFLAGS=-I/wt/install-dir/include
env LINKER_PATH="-L/wt/install-dir/lib -L/boost/install-dir/lib"
copy . /app
run make -j $(nproc)
from alpine:3.16.2
run apk add libharu g++ graphicsmagick
copy --from=builder /boost/install-dir/lib/libboost*.so.* /usr/local/lib/
copy --from=builder /wt/install-dir/lib/libwt*.so.* /usr/local/lib/
copy --from=builder /wt/install-dir/share /usr/local/share/
copy --from=builder /app/dist /app
workdir /app
entrypoint ["./chapters"]
cmd ["--deploy-path=/", "--docroot", ".;/css,/resources", "--http-address", "", "--http-port", "9099"]