


Wt: Configure the application's log at the runtime

Added by Hafiz Ahamd 3 months ago

Hi, I know it's possible to configure an application's log using "* -debug" in the wt_config.xml file. But is there a way to configure the log at the runtime i.e. using WApplication or else?

Replies (3)

RE: Wt: Configure the application's log at the runtime - Added by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 3 months ago

Hey Hafiz,

apologies for the delay, I was out sick for a little while, and then of course we had the holidays.

You can set the logging configuration with WLogger::configure(). But this is on the whole WServer, not for each application. So I don't think Wt offers what you are looking for, i.e. logging specific endpoint/users separately.

You can always add some "identifier" to you logs to add context, and then parse logs, while taking this context into consideration.


RE: Wt: Configure the application's log at the runtime - Added by Hafiz Ahamd 3 months ago

Hi Matthias, Thank you for the reply!

One more question, how can I access the WLogger in my WApplication class? I tried the following but it doesn't seem to work,



Wt::logInstance().configure("* -debug -info");



RE: Wt: Configure the application's log at the runtime - Added by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 3 months ago

Hello Hafiz,

you can access it via the WServer, calling WServer::logger().

As above, be aware that this is a global logger, and will thus affect any running application.

