


Does Wt supports NoSql database?

Added by twid twid over 10 years ago

Does Wt supports NoSql database, like MongoDB, Hadoop etc..

If it does not what would be minimal implementation required to make it work with them?

Replies (1)

RE: Does Wt supports NoSql database? - Added by Wim Dumon over 10 years ago


We've been thinkering in the past how Dbo could use a nosql backend. Wt::Dbo contains already basic functionality to convert C objects into JSon. This should be extended for all but the most trivial cases. We haven't written a backend for a NoSql database server yet, but the idea was to convert C objects to JSon using Dbo to store them in the NoSql database. We haven't implemented this yet because there's little demand (but it would be nice to have).

Best regards,

