WProgressBar setValueStyleClass
Added by Maximilian Kleinert almost 7 years ago
I have a WProgressBar connected to a WFileupload. After the file was (successfully uploaded) it is validated. Since I am using the Bootstrap theme I want to visualize the validation result via the WProgressBar.
Therefore I tried to call in the ValidationFailure/ValidationSuccess callbacks:
But the css style is not updated. Using setValueStyleClass works as expected when I call it before the WProgressBar is rendered the first time.
How can I send the updated ValueStyleClass in the browser?
I tried to derive from WProgressBar and override updateBar(Wt::DomElement & bar) but without success.
Thank you,
Replies (3)
RE: WProgressBar setValueStyleClass - Added by lm at almost 7 years ago
Where is setValueStyleClass
Have you tried addStyleClass
RE: WProgressBar setValueStyleClass - Added by Maximilian Kleinert almost 7 years ago
It is declared in WProgressBar.
Yes I have tried, but the html for the WProgressBar looks like:
100 %
And addStyleClass affects the outer div element and there progress-bar-success has no effect. Whereas setValueStyleClass affects the first inner div which is the right place but this only works before the widget is rendered.
RE: WProgressBar setValueStyleClass - Added by Maximilian Kleinert almost 7 years ago
Here is an example code to illustrate the problem.