


[v3][Dbo] How to read from a Set Returning Function (SRF) aka "table functions".

Added by Vincenzo Romano over 5 years ago

I am in the process of replacing my own DB access library with Dbo.

I am on v3.3.12 with g++ (GCC) 8.2.1 20181127.

I have recompiled the whole Wt library myself with no errors.

I have a number of SRFs I need to read data from.

It seems I need to write code like this:

struct ConfigEntry {
  std::string k;
  std::string v;
  template<class Action> void persist( Action& a ) {
    Wt::Dbo::field( a,k,"k");
    Wt::Dbo::field( a,v,"v");


Wt::Dbo::backend::Postgres dbBackEnd;
Wt::Dbo::Session dbSession;


void aFunction() {
  dbBackEnd.connect( std::string( dbconn ) );
  dbSession.setConnection( dbBackEnd );
  dbSession.mapClass<ConfigEntry>( "session_configuration()" );
  auto conf = dbSession.find<ConfigEntry>();

Is this correct? If not, what's the problem?

Anyway, this code fails at linkage time (I have -lwtdbo -lwtdbopostgres -lwt -lwthttp) with these messages:

/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccpHUsWJ.o: in function `setEntryPoints()':
init.cpp:(.text+0xfa): undefined reference to `void Wt::Dbo::Session::mapClass<ConfigEntry>(char const*)'
/usr/bin/ld: init.cpp:(.text+0x128): undefined reference to `Wt::Dbo::Query<Wt::Dbo::ptr<ConfigEntry>, Wt::Dbo::DynamicBinding> Wt::Dbo::Session::find<ConfigEntry, Wt::Dbo::DynamicBinding>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)'
/usr/bin/ld: init.cpp:(.text+0x143): undefined reference to `Wt::Dbo::Query<Wt::Dbo::ptr<ConfigEntry>, Wt::Dbo::DynamicBinding>::~Query()'

I am pretty sure this isn't a bug but something I am missing.

One thing that comes to my mind is that my compiler defaults to the "gnu+1\" which should be the 2014 ISO C+ standard plus amendments plus the GNU enhancements.

In the error I read "__cxx11\".

I have no way at the moment to test with a different compiler.

Any idea?

Replies (6)

RE: [v3][Dbo] How to read from a Set Returning Function (SRF) aka "table functions". - Added by lm at over 5 years ago

I don't use Wt 3, but given the information you gave, I created the following example in Wt 4:

#include <iostream>
#include <Wt/Dbo/Dbo.h>
#include <Wt/Dbo/backend/Postgres.h>

struct ConfigEntry
    std::string k, v;
    template <class A>
    void persist (A& a)

Wt::Dbo::Session session;

int main()
    auto backend {std::make_unique<Wt::Dbo::backend::Postgres>()};
    auto conf = session.find<ConfigEntry>();
    return 0;

It's built using

g++ -I/usr/local/include/ src/main.cpp -L/usr/local/lib -lwtdbopostgres -lwtdbo

Let me know if you think there's something I can add that might recreate the linker problem.

RE: [v3][Dbo] How to read from a Set Returning Function (SRF) aka "table functions". - Added by Roel Standaert over 5 years ago

lm at: wow, does that work?

I don't know if I can necessarily guarantee that this will always work:


Dbo treats what's between double quotes as the name of a table, so if it works then that's neat, I guess, but I think a view would probably work better. You can of course always turn a function call with no arguments or arguments that are known beforehand into a view.

Another thing you should probably do is disable the id and version field using dbo_traits, see the Wt::Dbo tutorial about customizing the mapping:

RE: [v3][Dbo] How to read from a Set Returning Function (SRF) aka "table functions". - Added by Vincenzo Romano over 5 years ago

Thanks again lm.
Unluckily I need time to prepare a v4 environment to test which I don't have right now.
The point for me is that syntax is (seems to be) OK: I am always compiling with
-Wall@ so any type mismatch would pop up as a warning.

The SQL function session_configuration() returns a set of records, though, while your example would pull 1 or 0 records.

My minimal code is:

// Wt
#include <Wt/Dbo/backend/Postgres>
#include <Wt/Dbo/Session>
#include <Wt/Dbo/collection>

// C++
#include <cstdio>

// C

Wt::Dbo::backend::Postgres dbBackEnd;
Wt::Dbo::Session dbSession;

struct ConfigEntry {
  std::string k;
  std::string v;
  template<class Action> void persist( Action& a ) {
    Wt::Dbo::field( a,k,"k");
    Wt::Dbo::field( a,v,"v");

int main() {
  const char* dbconn = "dbname=tmp1";
  dbBackEnd.connect( std::string( dbconn ) );
  dbSession.setConnection( dbBackEnd );
  dbSession.mapClass<ConfigEntry>( "session_configuration()" );
  auto conf = dbSession.find<ConfigEntry>(); 
  return 0;

My command line compilation (with g v8) is:

g++ -Wall p.cpp -lwtdbo -lwtdbopostgres

(On my system /usr/local/lib is among the default directories where the linker looks for the shared objects.)

The link errors are:

/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccF2vEMb.o: in function `main':
p.cpp:(.text+0xae): undefined reference to `void Wt::Dbo::Session::mapClass<ConfigEntry>(char const*)'
/usr/bin/ld: p.cpp:(.text+0xfd): undefined reference to `Wt::Dbo::Query<Wt::Dbo::ptr<ConfigEntry>, Wt::Dbo::DynamicBinding>::~Query()'
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccF2vEMb.o: in function `Wt::Dbo::Query<Wt::Dbo::ptr<ConfigEntry>, Wt::Dbo::DynamicBinding> Wt::Dbo::Session::find<ConfigEntry>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)':
p.cpp:(.text._ZN2Wt3Dbo7Session4findI11ConfigEntryEENS0_5QueryINS0_3ptrIT_EENS0_14DynamicBindingEEERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE[_ZN2Wt3Dbo7Session4findI11ConfigEntryEENS0_5QueryINS0_3ptrIT_EENS0_14DynamicBindingEEERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE]+0x36): undefined reference to `Wt::Dbo::Query<Wt::Dbo::ptr<ConfigEntry>, Wt::Dbo::DynamicBinding> Wt::Dbo::Session::find<ConfigEntry, Wt::Dbo::DynamicBinding>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I successfully recompiled wt-3.3.12 and checked the libraries were readable, the directory tree accessible.

I have also placed the proper type instead of auto

Wt::Dbo::Query<Wt::Dbo::ptr<ConfigEntry>, Wt::Dbo::DynamicBinding> conf = dbSession.find<ConfigEntry>();

The error is still there.

If this is fixed in v4, then it must be a bug. Isn't it?

RE: [v3][Dbo] How to read from a Set Returning Function (SRF) aka "table functions". - Added by lm at over 5 years ago

I was able to reproduce the link error using Wt4. I added #include <Wt/Dbo/Dbo.h> to the top, and it links just fine. I'm not sure which header you're missing exactly, but Dbo.h includes everything you're likely to need.

RE: [v3][Dbo] How to read from a Set Returning Function (SRF) aka "table functions". - Added by Vincenzo Romano over 5 years ago

C O R R E C T !

I think this is a bug in the header #include policies: that file should be automatically included with any Dbo-related header file!

Thanks a lot!
