


Multi Variables Mapping Path

Added by Alex Tumovsky 30 days ago


Please advise how to better organize page routing (check inside the slot internalPathChanged) based on the principle of parsing a url with several parameters in the middle of the request.

For example:{1}/photo/{2}
Where: {1}, {2}, etc. are unknown transmitted parameters (both integer and text).

I managed to achieve this using the hierarchical pages method (internalPathMatches, internalPathNextPart), but the code looks very bad and I believe it can be done better.
maybe I don't fully understand how to do this according to the principle of hierarchy...

Has anyone encountered an optimal solution? Can you suggest a sensible solution for such page routing?
Maybe you can use something similar to the routing mechanism from oatpp (

Thanks in advance

Replies (1)

RE: Multi Variables Mapping Path - Added by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 1 day ago

Hello Alex,

I apologize for the belated reply. In this case, I would approach it with WMenu, where WMenu::setInternalPathEnabled() will be of great help to you. You can create a WMenu and call setInternalPathEnabled("gallery"). That will let the menu know it should match an incoming path /gallery/{1}/photo/{2} (omitting the origin). It will then look at the next part of the path /{1}/photo/{2}.

Depending on whether the set of possible values of {1} or {2} is small or large, you may want to add them to the menu eagerly/lazily, or not at all beforehand. In the latter case, you may need to do some customization of WMenu::internalPathChanged().

I believe that with this approach as your basis, you should be able to write clean code that encapsulates, and decides on, a single level.

If you have any further questions, feel free to respond.

