


need help with ManyToMany query

Added by Cassie Nicol almost 12 years ago

I want to do something like

select m.user_id as "user", t.user_id as "target", m.timestamp, m.text

from message as m left join message_user as t on

where room_id=? and ((t.user_id is null) or (t.user_id = ?));


Message and User are normal table. message_user is an automatically generated table using a ManyToMany relationship between Message and User. message_user contains the target of the message in the case of directed messages.

but I cannot figure out how to make it work with the Wt::Dbo queries.

I cannot use boost::tuple to build the return because message_user is not a real C type.

typedef boost::tuple<Message, message_user> MessageJoinTargets;

string sql = "select m, t from message m join message t";

MessageJoinTargets response = session.query< MessageJoinTargets >(sql).where("").bind(room);

any advice would be helpful.

I have truncated classes listed below.

class User



std::string name;

Wt::Dbo::collection< Wt::Dbo::ptr > messages_from;

Wt::Dbo::collection< Wt::Dbo::ptr > messages_to;


void persist(Action& a)


Wt::Dbo::field(a, name, "name");

Wt::Dbo::hasMany(a, messages_from, Wt::Dbo::ManyToOne, "user");

dbo::hasMany(a, messages_to, dbo::ManyToMany, "message_user");



class Message {


dbo::ptr room;

dbo::ptr user;

Wt::WDateTime timestamp;

std::string text;

dbo::collection< dbo::ptr > targets;


void persist(Action& a)


dbo::belongsTo(a, room, "room");

dbo::belongsTo(a, user, "user");

dbo::field(a, timestamp, "timestamp");

dbo::field(a, text, "text");

dbo::hasMany(a, targets, dbo::ManyToMany, "message_user");



Replies (2)

RE: need help with ManyToMany query - Added by Koen Deforche almost 12 years ago


The 'result type' of the query is determined only by what is in your select clause:

select m.user_id as "user", t.user_id as "target", m.timestamp, m.text
from message as m left join message_user as t on 
where room_id=? and ((t.user_id is null) or (t.user_id = ?));

You thus need 4 fields (m.user_id, t.user_id, m.timestamp, m.text), and the most convenient way to do that is to use a tuple containing the four appropriate types.



RE: need help with ManyToMany query - Added by Cassie Nicol almost 12 years ago

Thanks Koen,

That seems to fix the problem.

typedef dbo::dbo_traits::IdType TUserId;

//typedef dbo::dbo_traits::IdType TDateTime;

//typedef boost::tuple<TUserId, TUserId, TDateTime, string> ResultTuple;

typedef boost::tuple<TUserId, TUserId, string, string> ResultTuple;

typedef dbo::collection ResultTupleCollection;

typedef vector ResultTupleVector;

string sql = "select"

\" m.user_id, t.user_id, m.timestamp, m.text\"

\" from message m left join message_user t on (\";

string where = "(m.room_id=?) and ((t.user_id is null) or (t.user_id = ?))";

ResultTupleCollection result = session.query(sql).where(where).bind(room).bind(user);

for(ResultTupleCollection::const_iterator i=result.begin(); i != result.end(); ++i) {

cout << (*i).get<0>()

<< \" \" << (*i).get<1>()

<< \" \" << (*i).get<2>()

<< \" \" << (*i).get<3>()

<< endl;


Of note, the IdType of WDateTime was a long, when what actually is in the database was a string, so I had to use string directly. I realize this is because of needing to defer the implementation of the DateTime storage in the database to the backend code.

I also after I figured this all out, realized that I never actually needed the value in the message_user table. It was only used for the where clause. That simplified the code even more since I could just return a collection of messages.

string sql = "select m from message m left join message_user t on (";

string where = "(m.room_id=?) and ((t.user_id is null) or (t.user_id = ?))";

Messages messages = session.query(sql).where(where).bind(room).bind(user);

for(Messages::const_iterator i=messages.begin(); i != messages.end(); ++i) {

cout << (*i).id()

<< \" \" << (*i)room>name

<< \" \" << (*i)user>name

<< \" \" << (*i)->timestamp.toString()

<< \" \" << (*i)->text

<< endl;


I was wondering if there was a way to use generated tables like "message_user" as a C datatype or if using tuple is the only way to get data from them?

thanks for your help!

