


Wt page can be viewed from but not from <WAN ip>:8080/hello

Added by Mei Mei over 14 years ago


Wt compilation was successful under Windows XP SP 3 and I can see the "hello" example from

However if I try to publish this page on the internet, this fails miserably. I have never installed anything like IIS or Apache and I am not sure what could be failing. The parameters I use for Wt are :





(I also tried other thing too, like setting a servername, or setting the http-address to my dynamic WAN IP - to no avail)

I have configured port-forwarding on my router, set the DMZ to my LAN IP, disabled the SPI and the router firewall, and disabled the software firewall as well.

I used this tool : to check the port 8080 and it said that "it could see my service running on port 8080" (the tool used my dynamic WAN IP)

However , I can't get the page to load on a browser...My mind is stuck...What do I miss ??

Replies (3)

RE: Wt page can be viewed from but not from <WAN ip>:8080/hello - Added by Wim Dumon over 14 years ago

Can you surf to your page from another computer on your LAN? If yes, there is something with your router configuration. If no, there is something wrong with your computer configuration. If it fails, also double check that the XP firewall allows your program to access the internet (click 'unblock' on that dialog that pops up if you run your program for the first time).

RE: Wt page can be viewed from but not from <WAN ip>:8080/hello - Added by Mei Mei over 14 years ago

Hello Wim,

there is no other PC in my LAN, so I believe I can't verify this. The firewall should not be a problem, I have it disabled (and the router's firewall disabled too). I have attached screenshot of the configuration used - just in case. At least, I understand that the Wt parameters are correct ?

dmz.png (12.9 KB) dmz.png DMZ
pfwd.png (16.7 KB) pfwd.png Port forwarding
spi.png (9.68 KB) spi.png SPI, firewall

RE: Wt page can be viewed from but not from <WAN ip>:8080/hello - Added by Wim Dumon over 14 years ago

Your Wt parameters are correct. Setting http-address to means 'listen on all addresses'.
