


WTabWidget -> Nav tabs at the top of the page

Added by T Y over 10 years ago


I am using latest Wt (Debian unstable).

In the project with Nav bar -> WTabWidget in WDialog has tabs at the top of the page.

This is my sample case:

Wt::WTabWidget *examples = new Wt::WTabWidget(pTopContainerWidget);

examples->addTab(new Wt::WText("A WText 1"), "WText 1");

examples->addTab(new Wt::WText("A WText 2"), "WText 2");

examples->addTab(new Wt::WText("A WText 3"), "WText 3");


Bootstrap theme is used.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


Replies (3)

RE: WTabWidget -> Nav tabs at the top of the page - Added by Koen Deforche over 10 years ago


Can you be more specific about the issue you are seeing?


RE: WTabWidget -> Nav tabs at the top of the page - Added by T Y over 10 years ago

Hi Koen,

My mistake.

While preparing example for replication -> sorted out the problem.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


RE: WTabWidget -> Nav tabs at the top of the page - Added by T Y over 10 years ago

More to the above.

In addition to loading Boostrap2 -> I was loading several css files for other examples -> they were messing the picture.

After I have striped code and left only Bootrstap2 -> Tabs are rendered in expected location.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

