Support #1190
Hi, i am using Wt for a new development. I has been trying the examples and all is ok with setCssTheme("polished"), but now I use it on my project, but this not work, I add my code.
In console all seems ok.
./scdssanpedro ---docroot . ---http-port 9090 ---http-address localhost
[2012-Mar-17 17:15:48.155049] 52321 - [info] "config: reading Wt config file: /etc/wt/wt_config.xml (location = './scdssanpedro')"
[2012-Mar-17 17:15:48.156101] 52321 - [info] "WServer/wthttp: initializing built-in wthttpd"
[2012-Mar-17 17:15:48.157501] 52321 - [info] "wthttp: started server: http://localhost:9090"
[2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.246472] 52321 - [info] "Wt: Session created (#sessions = 1)"
[2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.246799] 52321 [/ NLFO7w8SLnn0OmFy] [info] "WEnvironment: UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.79 Safari/535.11"
::1 - - [2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.247718] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1743
[2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.247802] 52321 - [info] "WebRequest: took 1.496ms"
begin transaction
rollback transaction
Sqlite3: create table "user" (
"id" integer primary key autoincrement,
"version" integer not null,
"nombre" text not null,
"perfil" integer not null
: table "user" already exists
Usando Base de Datos existente![2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.268433] 52321 [/ NLFO7w8SLnn0OmFy] [warning] "WApplication: Deploy-path ends with '/', using /?_= for internal paths"
::1 - - [2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.269161] "GET /?wtd=NLFO7w8SLnn0OmFy&request=style HTTP/1.1" 200 99
[2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.269218] 52321 - [info] "WebRequest: took 14.016ms"
::1 - - [2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.275202] "GET /resources/webkit-transitions.css HTTP/1.1" 304 0
::1 - - [2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.275223] "GET /resources//themes/polished/wt.css HTTP/1.1" 304 0::1 - - [2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.275319] "GET /resources/form.css HTTP/1.1" 304 0
::1 - - [2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.278322] "GET /?wtd=NLFO7w8SLnn0OmFy&sid=2413023609&htmlHistory=true&deployPath=%2F&request=script&rand=2631065340 HTTP/1.1" 200 34115
[2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.278391] 52321 - [info] "WebRequest: took 12.671ms"
::1 - - [2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.373389] "POST /?wtd=NLFO7w8SLnn0OmFy HTTP/1.1" 200 50
[2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.373475] 52321 - [info] "WebRequest: took 0.512ms"
::1 - - [2012-Mar-17 17:15:54.391728] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 85
begin transaction
select u."id", u."version", u."user_id", u."password_hash", u."password_method", u."password_salt", u."status", u."failed_login_attempts", u."last_login_attempt", u."email", u."unverified_email", u."email_token", u."email_token_expires", u."email_token_role" from auth_info u join auth_identity i on = i.auth_info_id where (i.provider = ?) and (i.identity = ?)
update "auth_info" set "version" = ?, "user_id" = ?, "password_hash" = ?, "password_method" = ?, "password_salt" = ?, "status" = ?, "failed_login_attempts" = ?, "last_login_attempt" = ?, "email" = ?, "unverified_email" = ?, "email_token" = ?, "email_token_expires" = ?, "email_token_role" = ? where "id" = ? and "version" = ?
select "id", "version", "auth_info_id", "provider", "identity" from "auth_identity" where ("auth_info_id" = ?) and (provider = ?)
[2012-Mar-17 17:15:58.394513] 52321 [/ NLFO7w8SLnn0OmFy] [notice] "User 1 logged in."
commit transaction
::1 - - [2012-Mar-17 17:15:58.398580] "POST /?wtd=NLFO7w8SLnn0OmFy HTTP/1.1" 200 4752
[2012-Mar-17 17:15:58.398632] 52321 - [info] "WebRequest: took 17.185ms"
::1 - - [2012-Mar-17 17:15:58.443442] "GET /resources//themes/polished/splitter-h.png HTTP/1.1" 200 163
Updated by Alexander David Cruz Márquez almost 13 years ago
some example Wt::Auth + setCssTheme?
Updated by Alexander David Cruz Márquez almost 13 years ago
I was wrong. sorry!.