Bug #13376
openWPopupMenu displaying upon hiding
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In case that no resource directory is set hiding the pop-up from the WPopupMenu by clicking off it, clicking the button to open it again, or selecting an item will result in the pop-up element still being displayed near the bottom of the page.
In case this is not reproducible, open the developer tools, and disable the cache (otherwise the website will fall back on a previous theme).
This happens due to the JS code:
var j111=Wt4_11_0.$('o97');'none';
Where WPopupMenu::setHidden()
if (hidden) { = ""; = "";
This results in "bad" values for all empty strings, clearing the "none" value, where it doesn't.
Since this sets a bad value, with side-effects, we should verify that for other cases where a CSS property is set to ""
, this doesn't lead to edge cases.
Updated by Romain Mardulyn 3 months ago
- Status changed from New to InProgress
- Assignee set to Romain Mardulyn
Updated by Romain Mardulyn 3 months ago
- Status changed from InProgress to Review
- Assignee deleted (
Romain Mardulyn)
Updated by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 25 days ago
- Assignee set to Matthias Van Ceulebroeck
Updated by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 19 days ago
- Status changed from Review to Implemented @Emweb
- Assignee changed from Matthias Van Ceulebroeck to Romain Mardulyn
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 18 days ago
- Status changed from Implemented @Emweb to Implemented @Test