Bug #13406
openthe private member of WWebSocketResource not be erased
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hello,in wt 4.11.1
i found the clients_, the private member of WWebSocketResource not be erased when WebSocketConnection instance was closed or other logic.
if WWebSocketResource as a static resource, i think i will keep growing.
Updated by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck about 2 months ago
- Target version set to 4.12.1
Hello amass,
you seem to be right. Going over the code, it seems that this vector will never shrink, and each WWebSocketResource
should listen to the closed()
signals of the WWebSocketConnection
they maintain.
I have scheduled this for 4.12.1.
Updated by Romain Mardulyn 11 days ago
- Status changed from New to InProgress
- Assignee set to Romain Mardulyn
Updated by Romain Mardulyn 11 days ago
- Status changed from InProgress to Review
- Assignee deleted (
Romain Mardulyn)