Bug #13429
openVersion 4.11.2 - Container widget with WSlider widgets is not rendered correctly, windows
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Hello, looks like this must be a bug.
- We have a program that we upgrades from Wt 3 to Wt 4.
- This program had, and still has, some rendering problems, but basically was usable.
- My idea was that new version 4.11.2 will fix my rendering problems, so I have tried to update
- I have found that my container widget that I used to edit data, now fails to render, when I reload the page, there are some traces visible as one line instead of form.
- I have other forms in this project and they all work fine, the difference is that this one has WSlider objects in it.
- This same code works well with 4.10.4 My compiler is MSVS2022 and I use cmake to generate my visual studio project, so I can easily swap wt versions.
Updated by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 11 days ago
Hey Boris,
could you maybe provide me with a generic layout that exhibits the rendering issue (e.g. a tree of how the widgets are structured), or a minimal example?
The widget gallery for example shows sliders (see:, inside a container and those still seem to render correctly.
Updated by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 11 days ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback