



Feature #13499


Consider using cookie prefixes

Added by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck about 2 months ago. Updated 23 days ago.

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Wt should take a look at supporting the __Host and __Secure cookie prefixes. While they are similar to setting the Domain, and Secure fields respectively, they offer slightly more protection.
This addresses some concerns of RFC-6265.

  • Host: this is similar to setting Domain, but not completely identical. Only an empty Domain will exhibit the same behavior as the __Host prefix. The differentiating part is the way subdomains are handled.
    In the case of Domain, subdomains are able to overwrite cookies with the same name. In case a subdomain is compromised, this can also compromise the other domains.
    The __Host prefix does NOT allow this. This binds the cookie to the specific subdomain, and does not allow manipulation from other subdomains or the main domain.

  • Secure: this is similar to setting Secure, but not completely identical. In case Secure is set, only an HTTPS connection is able to set the cookie. However, in case a subdomain was compromised,
    they can set a cookie in HTTP without this flag. The cookie can then still be sent to an HTTPS connection on a subdomain of the same domain. Or, the cookie can be overwritten by an insecure subdomain.
    The __Secure prefix does NOT allow this. If this prefix is found, Secure is enforced. So no insecure channel can write to a secure channel's cookies.

Actions #1

Updated by Romain Mardulyn about 1 month ago

  • Status changed from New to InProgress
  • Assignee set to Romain Mardulyn
Actions #2

Updated by Romain Mardulyn 23 days ago

  • Status changed from InProgress to Review
  • Assignee deleted (Romain Mardulyn)

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