Bug #2694
closedOAuth redirect url not working in Wt 3.3.2-rc1
I'm using both a username/password login and oauth on my webapp.
I tried using wt 3.3.2-rc1, and the result is that when I click the oauth button (either facebook or google) instead of closing the popup window and reloading the website (authenticated) I just get a new (and not authenticated) session inside the popup window.
The only strange thing I can see in my log is:
[2014-Feb-20 17:14:37.943304] 16982 [/SkyPlanner nbROBi02M0xJZRSg] [warning] "WMenu: unknown path: 'googleOAuth2Callback/'"
Another hint: my webapp is deployed under apache with a mod-proxy, I'm using whttpd with ---deploy-path /MyAppName
Updated by Koen Deforche about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Koen Deforche
- Target version set to 3.3.2
I think you're simply missing something in your reverse proxy configuration for the 'static resource' that is involved in OAuth; see also:
You should take a look at the access log (in your apache server) for a request to a URL that is not in /MyAppName ?
Also since you reverse-proxy, are you having the same external path as the internal one (/MyAppName) ? If not there may be other complications to configure things correctly.
Updated by Marco Gulino about 11 years ago
I thought about that, but I can't find anything strange in my configuration; also it's working back again if I reinstall wt 3.3.1.
By "static resource" you mean the "google/facebookOAuth2callback" path, I think, correct?
This is what I have anyway:
apache conf:
ProxyPass /SkyPlanner http://localhost:8086/SkyPlanner retry=10
ProxyPassReverse /SkyPlanner http://localhost:8086/SkyPlanner retry=10
app command line: src/SkyPlanner ---http-address ---http-port 8086 ---docroot /usr/share/Wt/ ---accesslog SkyPlanner.Access.log ---deploy-path /SkyPlanner -c wt_config.xml
wt_config xml oauth section:
In my apache log file I can see that the url "GET /SkyPlanner/facebookOAuth2callback?code=...." is (correctly, I guess) called.
Updated by Koen Deforche about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to InProgress
- Assignee changed from Koen Deforche to Roel Standaert
So somehow, the web service call does end up in wthttpd, but it is not being handled by the static resource?
That is unexpected; even though they share the same prefix, wthttpd will select the most specific entry point for the incoming request. As you indicate it used to work, this must be a regression in the wthttpd.
Roel, can you check if due to the many changes, we somehow broke the bestMatch logic in RequestHandler ?
Updated by Marco Gulino about 11 years ago
I just built a test environment with wt 3.3.2-rc1, leaving the "production" website with wt 3.3.1.
I did another test and watched, the wthttpd access log, I can confirm that apache correctly sends the request to wthttpd. - - [2014-Feb-21 14:04:18.704659] "GET /SkyPlanner/googleOAuth2Callback?state=.....%3D%3D%7Chttp://test.gulinux.net/SkyPlanner?wtd..... HTTP/1.1" 302 0
Updated by Roel Standaert about 11 years ago
- Status changed from InProgress to Resolved
There was indeed a regression in wthttpd. I fixed it.
Updated by Koen Deforche about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed