Feature #3974
closed[PATCH] WLink and WItemDelegate to support TargetNewWindow
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within some of my table views I want to present a link with target type TargetNewWindow. Currently this does not work since setTarget() is only available within WAnchor class. Within a model within the LinkRole only a WLink instance can be returned! Therefore I added two methods WLink::target() and WLink::setTarget() and changed the WItemDelegate to use WLink::target() instead of checking the WLink::type()...
Attached is the appropriate patch.
Updated by Koen Deforche over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to InProgress
- Assignee set to Michael Vilsker
There are probably other places where we should use the target stored in WLink (WAnchor.LinkState)
Updated by Koen Deforche over 9 years ago
- Status changed from InProgress to Resolved
Updated by Koen Deforche over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to InProgress
- Assignee changed from Michael Vilsker to Benoit Daccache
- Target version set to 3.3.5
Benoit can you check that we also included the WItemDelegate part?
Updated by Benoit Daccache over 9 years ago
- Status changed from InProgress to Resolved
changed the WItemDelegate to use WLink::target() instead of checking the WLink::type()
Updated by Koen Deforche over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed