Bug #4495
closedWCartesianCharts with tooltips fail with javascript error
Attempts to display either interactive or non-interactive WCartesianCharts with tooltips fail with javascript errors. This is with github version 3.3.5-rc1-22-g3605541.
An attached patch to ChartExamples.C adds tooltips and can be used to demonstrate the issue.
Disabling lines 655 and 713 in WPaintedWidget.C [// ss << widget_->objJsRef() << ".repaint();";] helps with the interactive case, but causes other problems.
The non-interactive case can be demonstrated by disabling the interactive features (setZoomEnabled, setPanEnabled, setCrosshairEnabled) in ChartExamples.C.
NOTE: WPaintedWidget.C may be setting hasJsObjects true even when a WCartesianChart is not interactive. I'm not sure if this is intended.
Updated by Bruce Toll over 9 years ago
Some additional notes:
JavaScript error: {""exception_description"":""Cannot read property 'nodeName' of null"",...
I believe the error is in jquery.extend.data(elem, name, data), where elem is null (line 1300 in jquery.js) and this is called from the last statement in the generated repaint function: jQuery.data(Wt3_3_5.$('xxxx'), 'obj').updateAreas();
At the time repaint() is called, the xxxx element has not yet been initialized by WImage.js.
Hope this helps. I wasn't sure the best approach for providing a patch. Checking for initialization would avoid the JS error, but might leave the area map out of sync if there was an initial zoom or pan.
Updated by Bruce Toll over 9 years ago
Thanks for fixing this so quickly. The updated version on github works great with the example provided. In testing with layouts, however, I came across a problem that may be related. It has been filed as #4510.
Updated by Koen Deforche over 9 years ago
- Assignee set to Roel Standaert
- Target version set to 3.3.5
Updated by Koen Deforche over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed