Bug #4714
closedWt::WFileUpload Does not Update the ProgressBar
When I want to upload a file through Apache mod_fcgi, the progressbar is not updated. The size of the files is approx. 50mb. I can see in the log, that the webrequests are rolling, but the prorgessbar is not updated.
Furthermore, no signals are emitted, I tried the dataUploaded(), and I have also tried to start a timer and processEvents() regularly.
Is there some obvious fact I am missing?
Updated by Koen Deforche about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Koen Deforche
With FastCGI indeed this does not work: the incoming request is being cached in the server before being forwarded to the Wt process.
(That's one more reason not to use FastCGI)
Updated by Laszlo Marak about 9 years ago
so what is Your suggested solution? A fix, mod_fcgi, or just plain httpd?
Updated by Koen Deforche about 9 years ago
My recommendation is to use wthttpd.
If you want, you can use it in combination with nginx/apache or haproxy by having these act as a reverse proxy.
Updated by Laszlo Marak about 9 years ago
Yes, except apache
- starts the process (making a de-facto a system service)
- watchdogs the process (restarts it after a crash)
- and scales the process (launches multiple threads depending on the demand)
Updated by Koen Deforche about 9 years ago
True. We usually use 'monit' for monitoring.
For scaling, it depends on your use-case, but in our experience Apache with it's arcane thread-heavy architecture is typically the bottleneck. Moreover when scaling to multiple servers, monit with http backend processes and one lightweight scalable reverse proxy as frontend works well in our experience.
But if you can live with the limitations of FastCGI you are free to keep using it!
Updated by Koen Deforche almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
Updated by Laszlo Marak almost 9 years ago
Thank You, I have set up a Monit service in the end.