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Pieter Libin, 10/29/2009 01:10 PM

h1. Installing Wt on Fedora Core


h3. memory access error (Fedora 8, asio 0.39)

I followed the outlined process taking version 0.39 of asio (no patch) on Fedora 8 and it compiles just fine. When I start the server with some example it says
Starting server:
which looks fine to me. I enter
in my browser, but it shows nothing. The console gives me:

Session EYuFCafmMuM5zmsg created.
Sessions: 1
GET / 200 http 683 (31ms)
GET /favicon.ico 404 http 85 (0ms)

The last word is German, meaning "memory access error". If somebody helps me I promise to update the page :)

Can you post a mail on the mailinglist, and if possible, run under valgrind ?

Updated by Pieter Libin over 15 years ago · 1 revisions