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Koen Deforche, 10/21/2010 10:38 AM

h1. Installing Wt on Gentoo

See also

h3. Dependencies

To install the dependencies for the library (updated for Wt 2.1.0 release), with support for threading (recommended):
Wt 2.1.0 does not compile with gcc version 3.4.6 and below. I recommend using gcc 4.1 and above.

USE="threads" emerge cmake boost

Note: Newer Version of boost do not require the threads USE flag.

h4. With support for wthttpd deployment

When using the built-in httpd, you need:

emerge asio

For some of the examples, you optionally also need:

emerge gd mysql++

h4. With support for FastCGI deployment

When using the FastCGI connector, inside an Apache environment, in addition you need:

emerge fcgi apache mod_fastcgi

h3. Build and install of Wt

To build the library, and install within /usr/local

$ cd wt-x.xx
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ make -C examples

make install

Note: You can pass options to cmake via -DOPTION=value, e.g. if you want to build with fcgi support and without httpd support and apache user and group www


h3. Trying the examples

h4. Deployment with wthttpd

Simply follow the instructions in the INSTALL file (with X the name of an example):

$ cd ../examples/X # source directory for example X
$ ../../build/examples/X/X.wt --docroot . --http-address --http-port 8080

h4. Deployment with FastCGI

Modify /etc/init.d/apache2 to enable fastcgi:


Enable ExecCGI for the location where you wish to install the examples:

Options ExecCGI
Allow from All

To install a particular example:

cd build/examples/composer


And list the path in /etc/apache2/modules.d/20_mod_fastcgi.conf:

FastCgiServer /var/www/localhost/htdocs/wt-examples/composer/composer.wt -idle-timeout 120 -processes 1

Finally, restart your apache, and check your log files for problems !

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Updated by Koen Deforche over 14 years ago · 4 revisions