


TinyMCE version 6

Added by Mark Travis about 2 years ago

I know version 6 isn't yet supported, but I saw a task in the Issues to bring WTextEdit up to date with the latest version.

I got V6 to load and I was playing around with different formats and fonts, and RapidXML isn't very happy with the output with a lack of closing tags.

Here's a string I created that crashes in RapidXML:

Printing description of text.utf8_:
(std::string) utf8_ = "<p>Fix the tab issue!&nbsp;</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;\">This is funny text</span></p>\n<h2><strong>This is bold text</strong></h2>\n<hr>\n<p>Have some X<sup>2</sup> with your A<sub>2</sub>.</p>"

I'm going to guess it's the Horizontal Rule tag that is crashing RapidXML.

Replies (1)

RE: TinyMCE version 6 - Added by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 9 months ago

Hey Mark,

I am going over older unresolved things, so I apologize if I bother you with an email.

I have linked the ticket (#11272) to this, so I can find this feedback later.

Thank you!
