


Content aware sizing and Bootstrap 5 enablement

Added by Mark Travis 8 months ago

Hopefully, I got the title correct.

I'm running into some usability issues with my app in terms of resizing WCartesianCharts and WTableViews, particularly on the width dimension.

I can't use "percentage" of screen width for these objects because they must be sized in pixels.

I've gotten a very nice app appearance using WTemplates in combination with a Bootstrap 5 theme. I'm very happy with it for the most part.

But if the user has a browser window smaller than 1024 or bigger than 1024, the pixel-perfect layout starts falling apart. I haven't even looked at the iPad web presentation, yet.

I have zero problems with re-sizing and re-flowing every Wt object except for these two.

Are there plans to make these two Wt objects more Bootstrap 5 friendly? I guess I could write an object to spit out "table,thead,tbody,td,tr,th" objects to a WTemplate similar to what pdfrender does. Not my first choice.

Here's what I'm talking about. The first image is "pixel-perfect". The second image shows what happens if I shrink the window. I have similar issues when I go wider.

Pixel-perfect at a width of 1024

overflow to the right of the page on WCartesianCharts and WTableViews

Replies (4)

RE: Content aware sizing and Bootstrap 5 enablement - Added by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 8 months ago

Hello Mark,

we are aware that some widgets (like WTableView, and a lot of charts) are not really responsive. They are correctly sized when a layout manager is wrapped around them though.
Maybe you can try to bind a WContainerWidget with a setLayout(std::make_unique<WFitLayout>()), to which you bind the above WTableView and charts (see documentation)?


RE: Content aware sizing and Bootstrap 5 enablement - Added by Mark Travis 8 months ago

Interesting. ok, after reviewing these pages long ago, I was under the impression one needed to choose between WTemplate/CSS or the use of layout managers.

Also, in this thread, Roel states that:
"You can't combine a WLayout with CSS-based sizing. The layout will always counteract any CSS styling. Wt will not interfere with the size of your widgets if you don't use a layout, but add everything to the WContainerWidget directly instead."

I may be missing a finer point on this? Can Bootstrap 5, CSS, and WTemplate mix with WLayout?

I was one of the first (I think) to fully adopt the WBootstrap5Theme(), so I may have avoided problem areas from the early days that have now been fixed. (Or maybe I'm just a little better at implementation now. :) )

RE: Content aware sizing and Bootstrap 5 enablement - Added by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 8 months ago

Hey Mark,

while it's true that in most cases layout managers are prone to their chain being interrupted (as WTemplates tend to do), the WFitLayout is a little bit of an exception.
This can be used without wrapping layout managers. This manager will simply scale its content to its available size.

I also do believe that simply not setting the size of the widgets should automatically make it fit to the amount of space it has available? However, for a chart that may lead to the chart not being shown.

Then I do believe that wrapping it in a WFitLayout is sufficient. See my test below:


RE: Content aware sizing and Bootstrap 5 enablement - Added by Mark Travis 8 months ago

Thanks! I will definitely give this a try.
