


Content aware sizing and Bootstrap 5 enablement

Added by Mark Travis about 2 months ago

Hopefully, I got the title correct.

I'm running into some usability issues with my app in terms of resizing WCartesianCharts and WTableViews, particularly on the width dimension.

I can't use "percentage" of screen width for these objects because they must be sized in pixels.

I've gotten a very nice app appearance using WTemplates in combination with a Bootstrap 5 theme. I'm very happy with it for the most part.

But if the user has a browser window smaller than 1024 or bigger than 1024, the pixel-perfect layout starts falling apart. I haven't even looked at the iPad web presentation, yet.

I have zero problems with re-sizing and re-flowing every Wt object except for these two.

Are there plans to make these two Wt objects more Bootstrap 5 friendly? I guess I could write an object to spit out "table,thead,tbody,td,tr,th" objects to a WTemplate similar to what pdfrender does. Not my first choice.

Here's what I'm talking about. The first image is "pixel-perfect". The second image shows what happens if I shrink the window. I have similar issues when I go wider.

Pixel-perfect at a width of 1024

overflow to the right of the page on WCartesianCharts and WTableViews

Replies (4)

RE: Content aware sizing and Bootstrap 5 enablement - Added by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 25 days ago

Hello Mark,

we are aware that some widgets (like WTableView, and a lot of charts) are not really responsive. They are correctly sized when a layout manager is wrapped around them though.
Maybe you can try to bind a WContainerWidget with a setLayout(std::make_unique<WFitLayout>()), to which you bind the above WTableView and charts (see documentation)?


RE: Content aware sizing and Bootstrap 5 enablement - Added by Mark Travis 24 days ago

Interesting. ok, after reviewing these pages long ago, I was under the impression one needed to choose between WTemplate/CSS or the use of layout managers.

Also, in this thread, Roel states that:
"You can't combine a WLayout with CSS-based sizing. The layout will always counteract any CSS styling. Wt will not interfere with the size of your widgets if you don't use a layout, but add everything to the WContainerWidget directly instead."

I may be missing a finer point on this? Can Bootstrap 5, CSS, and WTemplate mix with WLayout?

I was one of the first (I think) to fully adopt the WBootstrap5Theme(), so I may have avoided problem areas from the early days that have now been fixed. (Or maybe I'm just a little better at implementation now. :) )

RE: Content aware sizing and Bootstrap 5 enablement - Added by Matthias Van Ceulebroeck 24 days ago

Hey Mark,

while it's true that in most cases layout managers are prone to their chain being interrupted (as WTemplates tend to do), the WFitLayout is a little bit of an exception.
This can be used without wrapping layout managers. This manager will simply scale its content to its available size.

I also do believe that simply not setting the size of the widgets should automatically make it fit to the amount of space it has available? However, for a chart that may lead to the chart not being shown.

Then I do believe that wrapping it in a WFitLayout is sufficient. See my test below:


RE: Content aware sizing and Bootstrap 5 enablement - Added by Mark Travis 24 days ago

Thanks! I will definitely give this a try.
