


Playing encrypted mp3

Added by Bert Cuypers almost 6 years ago

Hi all,

Because of the recent GDPR regulations, we are looking for ways to improve the data security of our software. Currently we have developed a playback tool using Wt for listening to recorded audio files; however I can't seem to use WMediaPlayer directly with this encrypted file (I should first decrypt it after which I should feed it ) Are you guys planning to further develop WMediaPlayer in order to automatically play the encrypted file?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards


Replies (2)

RE: Playing encrypted mp3 - Added by Wim Dumon almost 6 years ago

Hey Bert,

Sorry I'm not familiar with encrypted mp3. Is this standardized? What's the intention and in what way is transfering the mp3 over an encrypted TLS link not enough?

Best regards,


RE: Playing encrypted mp3 - Added by Bert Cuypers almost 6 years ago

Hi Wim,

The GDPR regulations state that we should encrypt the audio files that our application records. This is necessary to prevent an unauthorized user to play the recorded audio file (if he/she by accident has had access to the server where all these files are being kept). At this moment we would be performing an extra step in the entire process, namely first decrypt the file on the server and then feed it to the WMediaPlayer widget; it is clear that we here introduce some (unnecessary) security risks. Would it be possible for use to modify the WMediaPlayer widget ourselves to include the ability to play an encrypted file? I assume the WMediaPlayer widget opens the file on the server and then streams the data in blocks towards the client?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

