WPushbutton clicked signal
Added by Bert Cuypers over 5 years ago
Hi all,
Is it possible to somehow get a pointer to a WPushButton after you click it? At this moment, the clicked() signal only gives you a WMouseEvent from which you can derive the coordinates of the mouseclick. I can't however find a function in Wt to get a Widget based on these coordinates.
Thanks in advance for the help
Best regards,
Replies (2)
RE: WPushbutton clicked signal - Added by Roel Standaert over 5 years ago
There's no way to actually get the sender (or owner) of an event in Wt 4. That was intentionally left out of the implementation to keep things simple. The idea is that if you need that information, you can use a lambda capture or a bind when setting up the connection.
RE: WPushbutton clicked signal - Added by lm at over 5 years ago
I use either a lambda-captured variable (as Roel mentioned) or a class instance member.